
So much anger in the comments.

I work in a restaurant. Humans are much nastier.

Late to the game, but this video should have been much longer. Why? Because it’s cute and interesting.

I’m holding on that belief. We really don’t know if he triggered the bomb intentionally or accidentally. I prefer to think his last words were: “OH SH ...!!!”

The first rap single that I ever purchased. I love her and I’m so watching this.

Am I odd to always look down before sitting?

I watched this tweet at 12 times within 15 minutes.

You just made my day!

I was instantly annoyed by that line. Humans owned by cats get such a bad rap.

You’re right. A better term would be acquaintances.

I’m sadly going something similar with my friends who are white. They don’t mind me being a black friend or sleeping with black men, but I’m not equal on a human level with them.

Me too!!! After August all “pumpkin spice and Halloween” throughout my social media.

Same here. Her second marriage to a wealthy executive was much more important staying put to breathe life in struggling business.

I’m 45. I never understood the hype over the show. It’s okay.

It’s not right either way. A slur is a slur. Your friend should know better.

Well you have an open invitation at any of my celebrations.

Would you prefer him to bow down and cry? She acted like a bitch. Women shouldn’t get a gender pass when acting like an asshole. I would have called her a cunt.

You want him to take the higher road? She was falsely accusing the driver of rape. Being a woman doesn’t make you sacred. I’m a woman and would have said the same as the driver.

Rep. Brian Sims (D-182nd District Philadelphia). Trust me. He’s a good person.

I’m not a show purger, but I couldn’t not stop watching one episode after another! I love Fleabag - flaws and all - , but I despised her father’s wife.