May I suggest (if no one has done so already) Unique Vintage? I love their clothes. They cater to all sizes.
May I suggest (if no one has done so already) Unique Vintage? I love their clothes. They cater to all sizes.
Why are you all defending her? Her lies caused a 14 year old boy - YES A BOY - to be tortured and murdered!!!
Either that or US Airways.
Either that or US Airways.
That’s the couple I want to know if they are still married.
They are still married. My close friend FB-friend him as soon as the episode aired. So I have sort of an “in.”
You can’t go wrong with The Rescuers. Damn I loved that movie as a little girl.
I don’t know what I love more ... the rant or username.
Why not Laverne Cox? I love her. I would rather choose Miss Cox as representative of the transgender community. I never liked Jenner. Male or female - still a jerk. I think people are giving her a pass because of her struggle.
Rim shot!
Did I miss something? This trailer looks nothing like the plot Mad About The Boy (the third Bridget Jones book). Have I taken crazy pills? Was there an Internet uproar that I overlooked regarding what to Mark in the book?
Please forgive me if someone previously brought this up, but Jena Friedman also made an appearance in Caitlyn Doughty’s Ask A Mortician video. They are wonderful!
Watch it online! I'm STILL pissed at Food Network for not picking her up before the vegan boom happened.
I think that's really sweet!
Thank you! Everyone is rallying around the mother, but what about that poor baby and his siblings? Johnny Kimble is the true victim in this story.
I had a jheri curl. I blame Michael Jackson, his family and the fact my mother gave me free reign regarding my appearance during my adolescence.
You're right! Even as typed it my inner monologue said: "Bish please. You can't live without pizza!" Now I want a slice of pizza.
Maybe your girlfriend just likes wearing makeup. Makeup is eating pizza. No one really NEEDS pizza.
Off topic, but Sweet 'N Salty Chex Mix is addicting! One Serving = One Bag.