
anyone else getting tired of these guys that are like 'dont make fun of me, look at my children!"

Yeah I bought the first Injustice on day one and I realized how I'm absolute shit at fighting games. I'm just waiting for all of the cinematics for Injustice 2 to be on youtube so I can just watch it as a movie

What's the plan for those of us that want to watch Twin Peaks and The Leftovers on Sunday night?

I just finished season 2 episode 9. I was thinking about jumping to episode 19 because I heard everything in the middle is a waste of time. Good idea or bad idea? I can go back and watch the other episodes, I just don't think I can finish in time for the new episodes if I watch them the way god intended

well in the premiere when you see the TV it's actually in the Murphy household and Kevin isn't there. I mean maybe he could have heard the news somewhere else but I'm more privy to believe that the events in the hotel were real and Burton was there.

well if it makes you feel better, he didn't have a beard last season. but yknow season 3 everyone has a beard

"Trigger Warning: fuck you" was one of my favorite lines in the last few episodes

Season 2 premiere you hear on a tv in the background a story about a man named David Burton who emerged from a cave saying he cannot die and that he was just in a hotel. Also the man on the pillar would write letters addressed to a David Burton in Australia. Then, in International Assassin, Kevin meets a man on the

that hotel bill gonna be so expensive

Has anyone had a Wendy's fish sandwich? Those look good on the commercials

I almost felt bad for her, until I remembered the kinds of stuff she's said and got famous for.

I'm going to bet that she shoots herself

I mean, they all have money

I'm just happy to have another day of Kirstin

No, Kirstin is. In Gainesville, Fl I believe.

I would say he's neither because at least agnostic and atheist know what they are, the more you listen to Pete the more you feel a sense of being lost

the only thing that bothers me are the references to his lack of mental health, he probably needed to spend more time in therapy

I was in a lakeside dive in Central Florida that served their bloody mary with a slim jim instead of bacon. Deliciously appropriate for the occassion, I loved it.

I'd put TKOL over this one

except that radiohead album was shit