
I still remember the exact situations when I got less than an A, including the 2 times I felt that it was a shitty situation (miscommunication for one, a sexist asshole of a professor in the other.)

I made a solid effort in voting for mouth stuff. I don’t get vacations all that often, and I’d rather get mouth stuff. It’s like a good, fun, mini vacation without having to discussing tipping etiquette!

oooh, so catty! <3

And that’s ok too! Sex and foreplay for everyone! I once had really great foreplay with a guy while crossing the US/Canadian border (along with 80% of american teens living on the border, TBH).

Foreplay doesn’t have to be obvious! Also doesn’t have to be a stranger.

same. also, jake tapper? ick.

The way you framed it makes it sound like you had it made. Also, you had it made. I don’t want to get into a pissing contest about hard luck upbringing, because I ended up just fine, and I can afford the therapy I need, but your framing of it in your original post came out like the kids in my school who had parents


I was at happy hour this afternoon, discussing the sportsball brackets, and realized after the fact that I automatically said President, as in, “I just had husband pull up President Obama’s bracket, and copied that.”

Yeah, fuck off. I mean, yay, for you, but you were the people who made my life miserable. So happy.

toque, but only because I remember Bob and Doug confirming that for me after Saturday Night Hockey Ahem, sorry, Hockey Night in Canada, with Don Cherry.

The info will be on Rachel Maddow’s show tonight though, and we’ll all know.

Not quite legally blind. I used to be -6.25 in one, -5.75 in the other, and in the last 2 years that’s weird.

My father-in-law is like -9, plus he has glass shards in his eye. I think he is considered legally blind, but still has corrective lenses.

This could be the answer. I grew up Canadian adjacent.

You would think the TSA had figured out how to keep that stuff out. I mean, since water is so dangerous and all, this passive-aggressive hyper self-conscious social anxiety is like, a ticking time bomb.

This is how my dog is. He’s anxious and guarded around me, because I was recovering from an injury when we got him. He knows husband is the “man” of the house, and the pack leader. I can’t even be in the same room as pupper when he gets examined by the vet.

Nope, nope and nope! The *only* time I have been remotely close to California was a layover at LAX.

OMG, first gif is perfect.

I’m NOT from California. What’s my problem?? Here I thought I’d solved it...but no.

I have to work. My boss would be ok with me staying home, but I need to be on campus tomorrow for therapy, and honestly, if I don’t work, it will be me who suffers later, thanks to my workload.

I am off the social media tomorrow.

I made this banner, if anyone else wants to use it for their social profiles.