
I liked Chrissy’s tweet about how the boarding pass scanner is apparently just a beedoop machine that goes beedoop.

They’re disgusting vermin who hide in the shadows and defile their landscape. Their breeding habits are particularly revolting. For every item they devour, they ruin ten more.

A Cranberry Wilderness story! That place is creepy as fuck. There are quite a few spots around Monongahela that are creepy, but that place in particular scared my boyfriend so badly at night that as soon as I woke up and peed he was ready to bolt right out of there. And he was a pretty rugged camping/hiking type, but

Raccoons should have their own blog on here. I have roughly 100 raccoon stories to tell.

Running with your topic, I and the car full of teenagers I was driving around on Halloween once had our lives perhaps saved by a large Allah-sent raccoon.
We had a Turkish exchange student staying with my family for the year, and she and her friends wanted to go to this Halloween party. I volunteered to drive her and

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

As the saying goes, “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.”

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

You are right, I oversimplified. I meant to say that purebred dogs and dogs from puppy mills are more prone to health issues that mutts. I don’t mean to malign ethical breeders, although frankly I have issues with anyone breeding and selling dogs due to the number of healthy, unwanted dogs that are euthanized every

My last neighbor was one of the latter. She put a note on my door literally complaining about hearing my *footsteps* after 9 PM. So I’m sort of sympathetic to Thereux, but he still needs to either take care of his dog or pay a pet sitter to hang out with it during the day.

Exactly. Of all people, Theroux has the money to pay for doggie daycare, and the fact that the digs are rescues mean they may need more attention rather than that anything their rescuer does is a-ok.

I think he has assistants/dog walkers to check on his pets. ETA: I am bored and enjoy looking at pictures of both Theroux and dogs, so I did some googling. He has a long history of adopting/rescuing dogs and has had several pitbulls. He’s worked on animal rights advocacy about unchaining dogs, and gotten tattoos of

Yeah, if that shit happened to me and he had the audacity to come back and ignore me later - as if he genuinely couldn’t give a shit whether I’m alive or not - I probably would’ve blacked out and had a “YOU SON OF A BITCH” moment.

Major props to the bus driver with the quick but safe swerve. That poor woman would likely be dead if that driver hadn’t reacted so quickly. Also props to the passengers for getting off to help. People can be horrifying shits but when you look for the helpers, you’re reminded that they aren’t all bad.

Thanks. That is a good line. Thankfully, he didn’t try to do any of the “you’re such a nice person” shit, though he did say he wanted to be friends. I replied that if I wanted to remain involved with an emotionally stunted son of a bitch who only got in touch when he wanted something, I’d still talk to my father. And

It’s a cliché but you really should live life like every day’s going to be the last.

Visual aid for full appreciation of this noble beast.

I was playing Paulette the hairdresser in "Legally Blonde the Musical" and got to share the stage with a majestic bulldog named Sir Gordo. They didn't turn my mic off after he and I left the stage together on opening night and so the whole audience was treated to me saying, in the puppy voice "Gordo bordo! You were so