
But only the French ones! ANd only in tasty and/or interesting flavors!

I’ll have you know I am Gen Y!

Your views are intriguing to me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I’m not even sure WHO in this thread I should respond to, but this is one of the two poems this world has brought me to repeatedly:

My mother openly told me that she knew I was a bad idea. That her marriage was doomed. That I should have been aborted. That was always a comfort growing up. I mean, I knew, openly, that I was an accident. Even though my brother was born in December after my mother’s May wedding....that was never discussed as

Best way to read it through (again and again) is alongside the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast.
#ravenclaw #alltextsaresacred #always

When was the Target launch in CA? I used to live #northoftheborder (literally the only place where you were north of Canada and still in the US) and we had TONS of Canadians coming over, shopping in our malls, leaving trash in the parking lots, and the wearing shit across the border to avoid paying taxes. I also used

Hudsons in Detroit (via Marshall Fields, but still)...

Meh, fuck Macy’s.

I loved Hudsons, the iconic Detroit-based department store.

We had a GREAT America. It all went into the shitter on November 9, and then on January 20th, it clogged up the toilet and is now overflowing with sewage. America’s shit is now leaking through the bathroom floor into our neighbor’s pantry.

The media isn’t sensationalized. Don’t let your sanitized view of the world

Though my husband disagrees and posits that the self motivated, no respect for rule of law is chaotic evil.

THis is bullshit. There is not one single god damned Nazi out there who would be swayed by any arguments toward my humanity and right to exist....and I say that as a Jew with broken patrilineal line - so even Israel won’t give me automatic citizenship. I’m Jewish enough to be killed, not Jewish enough for Israeli

Don’t forget *sparkly*.

He’s a textbook chaotic neutral.

I would think it’s not because they are *gay*, but because they are *not him*. He’s the embodiment of for himself, no matter the cause. Even his kids won’t get shit from him, because he’s going to make sure that it’s all for him, no matter the cost.

I know that there’s a bunch of mixed responses out there regarding this, and maybe it’s a bit of hope for schadenfreude, but I would love to see Melania flaunt some sidepiece in NYC while the rotting peeled mango covered in cornsilk is stuck in DC.


Oh I know, and my city has been fantastic. Yesterday there was a GIANT gathering in support of our Muslim friends and neighbors, and our mayor spoke.

I’m just not *from* here, and I am always painfully aware of that when I see the NY art world (I went to art school upstate).

Switch in Miracle Whip for the mayo, and GTFO for everything else and I’m here for the fuck no on this one.

I’m not watching this sports ball thing. I instead went to ikea, bought a mirror, and now am doing laundry. Also, I made lemon/blueberry/poppyseed cookies. Also, drinking a fantastic Voodoo Ranger imperial IPA from New Belgium. Now Imma go see about some cheesesticks.