
I *wish* I was in NYC right now to see this. My city has been doing some good stuff, like weekly protests at a certain senator’s office, but this is the sort of east coast magic I miss.

This pleases me to no end.

I’m here for this, where do I buy tickets?

I feel you. I’ve been able to drop the klonopin and neurontin, and I’m down to 50mg of prozac. It’s been a long haul, though, and it REALLY helps that I have a small group of very compassionate friends, and my coworkers don’t suck. When I was in a toxic job space, it was a struggle to survive.

Cats forever. And I say this with 3 dogs and 2 cats. Cats have way more bitchiness.

My husband texted me this morning that he is setting up monthly donations for us to send to PP, ACLU, and SPLC. For the monthly cost of less than 1 brunch, we are going to be able to help support these causes. Once we get a sense of things, CAIR, CLEAR, and IDP are next.

Charity Navigator is legitimate. There are some concerns about using the “administrative costs” rubric to determine a charitable organization’s value, however, because that includes salaries, equipment, office space, health care, and more.

Trump, of course, has no ability to laugh at himself, and laughing at others usually involves cruelty and insults...

Mommy told me something a little girl should know It’s all about the Devil and I’ve learned to hate him so She says he causes trouble when you let him in the room He will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom 

OOOOH. I maybe need to get in on this game. I have a VERY vocal GI system that hates the world!

I am hoping to get a chance before our local march to make a t-shirt that says “Ask me about my abortion.”

I agree with this. I acknowledge that I present as a very safe, very mainstream, very privileged white woman. I try very very very hard to be intersectional - not as lip-service, but as a reflection of my life, and my values, through my actions, friendships, spoken words, and demonstrated acts of equality.

I still

If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.

I didn’t even watch it, but saw the hand touch in the still shot, and was like “What? no! No! No touch. No.”

It’s literally micro-aggression writ large.

He’s paid to say them, not write them. Not that I am defending him, by any means.

exactly this. I have a friend who posted on fb that she was happy with her 3rd party vote, and while half the comments were all “you go girl!” the other half were like “Um, hope you’re able to sleep at night, and good luck with X, Y and Z aspects of your life.” to which she replied “well I live in a blue county...”

By this point, you know not to apply to any jobs with an email address that screams, “I created this in the eighth grade!” So, you’re no longer as far as your prospective employers are concerned. You also know not to show up late for the interview. And you have a firm grasp on the importance of

Damn those skiing taliban!

I’ve said that so many times. There are literally so many people in my hometown who are dead thanks to heroin, many that started with Oxy and the like. I thank god every day that I didn’t go that way, because I very easily could have.