
MMMmmmm.....bagels and lox. Everything bagel! Lox! Extra onions and a pickle!

The paragraph of your friends walking in to the ER - I totally had that experience. My friends who showed up after my bike accident started crying, and I had to try to keep them calm.

My docs were way nicer in the first part, but the xray techs did try to shove an xray plate under my broken scapula. In case you were

Is this an OK time to say that I tried Cora? And that they provide feminine sanitary products to women in developing countries? And that I think it’s such a good idea, I am only linking it directly, not with my promo code? Because I don’t want to be seen as promoting it for pay or benefit, but that I think it’s a

I work with 85% women. This will go over SO WELL. Especially since like 20% of them are in menopause right now. I bet they’ll be sympathetic.

Tampon = French for padding/buffer/stopper. If you buy gauze pads to cover your puppy’s weird leg scratch, and you live somewhere that the packaging is multilingual, it will say tampon.

Me too! As long as I don’t have to eat meat, but can eat all the cheese. Also, I am totes down with the archery, and maybe can we wrestle some mountain lions?

I just can’t even with the world right now, and it’s got me al sorts of fucked up in the head and starting to worry about my own mental health and safety. I argued calmly and logically with a cousin on Fbook for 2 days about BLM and his fucked up racist citations for his trolling arguments, then threw the gauntlet at


2/3 of my dog family is pitbull type mixed breeds, and I live in an area with visual identification BSL.

If your off leash labrador attacks my on leash pit-appearing mix and MY dog bites back? MY DOG GETS MURDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT.

How fucking hard is it, people???


And heels! Heels! I mean, hell, how about a god damn doublet over some lovely lacey tunic?

That company in particular is known for some astonishing levels of incompetence, but since my hubs still works there, I try to not bad mouth them too much.

That red, black & white thing tho. I would in a heartbeat.

That’s why my husband married me. He loves hedgehogs, but instead chose a fully human misanthrope with a love for personal space. I told him this should be his new job.

I have had some shitty managers, but that’s pretty fucking shitty.

My most recent job before the current one was at a company that delivers entertainment technology, where my skills and knowledge around metadata were very useful. I was given a training checklist, and then I walked through that training checklist with

I’m actually thinking that this is the after-the-fact story from the POV of the manager, but written by the employee, just as a “just checking - is this shitty behavior? Because I think it is.” Or, “Hey, I know you’re reading this, you shitty shitty manager, maybe you can see yourself in it?”

She does say that she mentioned to her (at the time) boss that she was having a bad day, and that boss was kinder to her, and gave her extra dessert - which is what I was referencing in terms of the half-assing it at work.

Not everyone has the safety and freedom of a job environment that will support them in their

Yes, I *am* resentful. I spend hours every week in therapy, and that includes a cost of co-pay that I need my job to be able to pay for. My particular issue tends to rear its ugly head in the form of walking away and ignoring things, and that results in some serious fucking repercussions later. So yes, I am resentful

Also, impossible for some people. Hello, I am paralyzed by anxiety, and my solution right now is to give myself a gold star (mentally) every time I get out of bed.

I also grew up calling them fishflies. And UGH. The SMELL. I remember several years when they coated every single surface and were just nasty. Yuck. But yes. Yay for good water quality.

I had seizures from the first of the MMR series and did not complete it, yet I am actually still resistant to the included diseases though, based on immunology tests performed for college.

I am ALSO extremely Pro-Vaccine, and pro-science.