
But they smell SO AWFUL when the world is coated with them in June/July.

I know it’s not Saturday night open thread yet, but I really need some advice/recommendations of a stupidly superficial sort:


I tried the ones at Banana Republic, and the pockets were so far down my legs, they were practically on my knees. I love the idea of a slim but not skinny jean, with a bit of wear

Look, I read your initial comment as snarky, unproductive, and flip, and I was feeling snarky and annoyed, and that played out in my reply to you. Perhaps if you had included your in-depth thoughts about the other “_____ Industrial Complex” constructs, I would have responded differently, since I actually think the

Look, I didn’t coin the term Wedding Industrial Complex and I wasn’t even the first to use it on Jezebel in this thread.

Ever stop to think that maybe the term is intentionally loaded with hyperbole? And that asking some random stranger on the internet to stop using it might be counterproductive?

Also, I wasn’t being

Claire Underwood is my #lifegoals

Why don’t you not make assumptions about what I may or may not know?


But will they show the truth of being bespectacled? Like when your glasses feel all grimy at the end of the day, and you wonder who the hell was touching them because they’re all greasy and gross, then you realize it must just be your own disgusting face? Or when you can’t see things peripherally? Or when people say

Sorry, too busy dismantling the patriarchy to tackle this one for you right now pookums. Why don’t you be a dear and go fetch me a coffee, then?

It is SO GOOD. My husband will drive from one grocery store to another on the chance they will have it.

YESSSS!!! I LOVE DAVE’S KILLER BREAD!!! The one with the yellow label and the one with the blue label!

I would defend special cases - like my senior dog who is housebroken, but has erratic butt issues that crop up without warning. She really tries to get outside to do it, but sometimes we are either not home, or not getting the message (because her way of asking for things is staring at us, regardless of what she

TOtally got this. Yay for pattern recognition. ;)

Just hang out in Denver. There’s a horrific brown cloud during the day due to the thermal inversion, and it can be smoggy as hell. On the off chance you get outside, walk on the mall and get mouthfuls of second-hand vape smoke (or whatever that shit is) and/or pot smoke.


Yeah this, basically, plus the ability of the corps to be seen as a single unified group (which is why there was such a preference toward white dancers in ballet, among many other systemic issues that excluded POC.) The thing is, if you have a dark skinned dancer next to a light skinned dancer, having them in the same

Ours was small. Tiny. It was still *definitely* a wedding, though, with 25% of our budget going to the photographer, and 25% going to the food/drinks. I think the rest was clothes/venue. We emailed the invites and friend-sourced some of the things that could be prepped in advance, and spent a weekend at an inn with 18

Didn’t read the Times article, but ugh. Just do your own thing for your wedding. If your identity is so wrapped up in labels that your wedding has to be ‘southern’, ‘feminist’, ‘bo-ho’, ‘natural’ etc with a label, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I could look back at my wedding and say my husband and I made

Try loose, curly, RED hair. Yep. In art and literature, I’m a demon.

Truth. I spend a lot of money on products to keep my curls looking good, but those products mean I wash, condition, comb, rinse, add more goop, and then walk out of the house. If I wanted straight hair, I’d spend even more money, more time, more goop, and also, it wouldn’t work, because I cannot straighten my hair to

Thanks, gonna try. I tested the audio stuff, and figured it all out on the first try (yay!) And hubby made me a latte, so I am going to drink that before I actually dig into the beers. And we do get to chillax tomorrow night with some beers and bowling. Because bowling!