
Ditto ditto.

If you can handle having headphones in, and can handle some sounds, I have found that getting to sleep and staying asleep can *sometimes* be managed with binaural beats using an app on my phone. Doesn’t always work, but it does sometimes.

My thoughts exactly.

OMG. Did you just use the *She Asked For It* defense that is popular with male judges, the media, and religious organizations??? WTAF.

I would like to dick punch that guy, then post a selfie with the same thumbs up pose.

does this make up for his terrible pants the other day? This is all kinds of adorable. Mochelle’s fake “come at me” face barely contains her giggles. I love it all.

Are you flying with my ex??

FYI: you aren’t covering or masking anything. You just end up smelling like a smoker who stopped by the perfume stand in the duty free zone.

You are not alone. I have been there. I can’t stand any sort of transition or change to my schedule. Once I am someplace, on vacation, I am fine. But the time between getting my bags out to pack them and then unpacking them at my destination (and learning the light switches and windows of the hotel room) - fucking

Totally the same. Look at the buttons on the shirt that RO is wearing - on the right. On B’s stylist - on the left.

I don’t see it that way. I see a lot of people giving Jay-Z shit too. However, I don’t think that the side piece gets a pass. (edited to add) Particularly BECAUSE she tried to insert herself into the conversation.

OMG I love this. I have an undying need for all of the subversive cross stitch patterns.

Nah, takes two to play that game. Becky opened her mouth, hence all the shit heading her way.

Methinks she wanted the attention. Also #personalemergency?

Love it. I just went through the Bday Sluts and realized that I have an amazing birthday twin (well, the year is wrong, but still) and I’m gonna have to swap profile pics now too. Almost makes up for having James Franco as my bday twin also.

Agreed. By the end of Lemonade, we see forgiveness of Jay Z. Not like BWTGH didn’t know he had a wife. Any woman who KNOWS a man has a wife and goes for that anyway, then tweets about it all cute, F-You, bitch.

This is my biggest fear ever. Ever. I have nightmares about it.

I wish i had a friend who wanted to help plan these on the regular with me. My tribe all moved to NY and Philly in the last couple years, and a bunch of us quit going to the same synagogue after they got a new rabbi we don’t like. I haven’t attended a seder in 3+ years.

My BFF and I are determined to make millions off our cats. Hers is an amazing silver tabby, and mine is black with yellow eyes. Different markets, obviously, but they both have mad talent and looks.

This is the only response I have for you. Purple rain always made me cry anyway, today the tears were falling without control.

Men sweat, women glisten, dancers glow.

Courtesy of 12+ in dance school + a few years as a troupe member touring. Weakness - not allowed. Ever.