
I had never heard of Surrender to Chance before this article, and literally waited from the day I read it through to today (the day after payday) to treat myself. I ordered:

Penhaligons Amaranthine EDP (I love Penhaligons. My hubby wears Sartorial, and I have a couple others of theirs)
Le Labo Benjoin Moscow City

Do it for the walleye.

Legs up the wall is my netflix and chill of yoga.

I do headstands sometimes, but only with guidance, and support and spotting from another trusted person that I am married to, and never in search of zen, but more in search of why the fuck won’t that vertebrate calm the fuck down and align with his little friends.

Now playing

This is everything for me right now. My husband played it on repeat a million times while trying to bail me out Tuesday night. Then he played it for me last night when we went and got dinner. And then he flew to NYC this am, and god, I miss and need him here.

Nah, her brother is the Old Spice guy in our house. We honest to god use the Old Spice voice when trying to imagine what he’s saying.

SO many. ANd he gives kisses, and fist bumps, and snuggles like he means business. Here he is as a 9 week old baby, fresh from foster care.

Oh, I got the dog thing, too. 3 of them, even, plus two cats. They all slept on top of me when I got home. Here’s the beautiful one of the group, my handsome boy.

OMG. Poor sweet beautiful Saul. Love him forever!

And because I really hate to be selfish, here is a cat as well, so I am on topic. SHe kinda looks like she’s got a bit of the pirate snarl here.

That is so very sweet of you. Thank goodness the name thing is all squared away.

Yes. Yes he is. He is a damn fantastic husband. He called my boss and explained my absence via “personal emergency” before I was due to be at work, and when he picked me up after they finally let me go, his first 3 things were a full body hug, a bottle of water, and “there’s ativan in the car.”

That is adorable. I would love a bear, if they weren’t such....bears!

Lenore is fantastic. She is beautiful. ANd I love her name.

Read the text, for all that is holy. Save yourself.

And also, here’s the pettiness of it - I can’t drive, and I can’t buy alcohol, because they took my license. So I am at the mercy of fucking Uber, and I can’t get drunk unless someone brings whiskey to my door.

Thanks. It was a stupid mistake - I missed a court date for a ticket, so I had a bench warrant out. Got pulled over on my way home from work, then spent 16 hours in jail before I could get out, even though my husband showed up at the facility before i even got there, cash in hand to bail me out.

Worst 16 hours of my

All of these photos are going to be my lifeline this weekend. I had the shittiest week ever, I got arrested, my husband is out of town till wednesday, I have no transportation, and I am pretty much on a tightrope that could tilt either way from stable to suicidal. The fact that I am fucking type A as fuck means only

DO IT!!!!!

Thank you.