
I just eat straight up pineapple on my pizza, with a ton of red pepper flakes. That’s it. Nothing else. I won’t even eat free pizza if it isn’t with pineapple.

Hi, can I be your new Jewish friend and you show me all these traditions? I don’t particularly care for the lamb bits, but chocolate, prosecco, and stone circles sound fantastic.

Absolutely true.

I got 1.5 masters degrees (MA, and an incomplete MFA) and I owe a bazillion dollars, AND I don’t do anything related to art history. Which is sad. But it was the best time of my life, I loved loved loved grad school.

Everyone on his campaign gets a growler to go.

I had that thought when I was listening to him speak on CPR yesterday. Particularly because he did just get married, it seems both like love, and also political effectiveness. Then again, I’ve been binge watching House of Cards from the beginning (in season 3 now) so maybe I view everything with a bit of calculation.

My experience as well - since they are mostly people I know, or friends of people I know (so their Bernie support/lefty cred seems understood/verified).

Here’s even a recent example:

Friend A posts story about Hillary’s fact checking proving “Most honest”
Women comment about “yes, we saw that, and agree, glad this is

Yep. I try to basically keep politics off my facebook, because of the rabid anti-hillary sentiment people post. I am in Colorado, and our governor is one of the super delegates who will be voting for Hillary. When asked about it this week on the news, he said the effect of ‘sure, the will of the people is that they

But who cares? Britney can live wherever she wants, however she wants. She can decorate however she wants. Why do we have to have some kind of taste/style litmus test for celebrity?

Well it’s not like Renee is walking around singing songs like “Bitch, I’m Renee.”

The women in my family have to have this done for medical reasons. At a certain point, the eyelids become so heavy you can’t see. I have been considering having it done now, rather than 20 years from now when it would take much longer to heal. Maybe she has something like this in her history as well. And who the fuck

Truth. When Trudeau was all over the news initially, my husband said (unprompted by me) “Well. Isn’t he just a tall drink of water.”

They also have poutine! So unfair.

But, don’t forget, Canada isn’t perfect. They have a history of absolutely horrible behavior toward indigenous populations, and forced sterilization of perceived “disabled” people.

The thing that gets me are these comments:

“I won’t vote for a Clinton or a Bush.”
“Watching Hillary’s speech. God save me from her.”
“Hillary Clinton is a war-monger!”

I would lose my goddamn mind and throw shit.

I used to watch this movie whenever I could. And I don’t even understand how I did it, because we didn’t have a VCR. Did it used to play on TV frequently??

I was gonna say all this. This book is a good source on this:

I literally had to switch to my laptop where I’m logged in to Kinja in order to comment on this - despite the fact that I should have left work 25 minutes ago, but fuck it, because I always and still think Akiva is the cutest EVER. One and only celebrity crush.

I want one of these so bad. I love these dogs.