
Try listening to Truth & Justice, AND the Undisclosed podcast, plus any others out there.

They give you a fuller picture.

In light of the Crimestoppers tip and reward and the marginalia regarding the motorcycle - yeah. The investigators and prosecutors played Jay like a violin, and his youth, previous police interactions, and heartbreaking home situation all contribute to his malleability in the case.

Yeah, the other manager was his mom’s partner at the time, and now her wife (as in recently they married, and now have the same last name.) There are issues with the time sheet for those hours at lenscrafters.

This episode of Truth & Justice explores the case against Don pretty well from the perspective of an

Totally unreliable. But also - according to Bob Ruff’s Truth & Justice podcast, she knew early on that Hae was strangled.

I still don’t believe she actually knows anything, but still. It’s weird.

I can see that.

That makes sense. I think we are both agreeing toward the same end, sort of? (alert, girl equivocation in action!) I mean, I don’t think they are supposed to be unbiased, so I don’t expect them to be. There are a lot of other sources out there that are biased one way or another, so I think that this is a situation

I want to know more about Jen. Why is Jen such an interest to the police? Also, yeah. Jay didn’t do it.

Well, Serial started off saying “hi, we are just taking a deeper look at this for storytelling purposes.” Undisclosed says “Hey, you people all thought that was cool, but it’s like, totally our family friend here, and here’s what we think is weird/odd/fishy, based on my legal experience (and Rabia was already a law

So what if it is? It’s produced by people raising funds for his legal defense. It’s not purporting to be journalism or unbiased.

Nah, it was Don!

Why? Serious question.

My first husband’s uncle was named, (I swear, hand to god) Richard Wacker. He went by Dick. Not even kidding. (He had the same last name, and I did NOT take his name when we married.)

I will agree with this 1000%. My mixed mal boy is INSANE but absolutely bonded to me, as a working dog should be. He is only now, at 3, getting to the point that walks are not an absolute shit show where he wants to kill everything. He has so much damn energy - like a 5 mile walk, plus an hour at the ball park, means

I *love* the big giant massive huge working dogs. I love the bully breeds, mastiffs, and so on.

Thank you!!! I love him with all my heart. He was totally an impulse rescue, just because of his ridiculously handsome face.

OMG, I am so sorry to hear that. I am glad he’s ok, if a little lighter on the scales. I’ve known many a wonderful tripod/tri-pawed pup that were amazing despite their challenges.

That’s exactly it! “Who dares disturb my beauty sleep? I can’t be bothered to deal with you. My sisters will do that. But I am gonna tell them you’re around.”

His nickname is The Little Prince, more for his feigned royal attitude than any sense of wonder and magic.

I wanna know more about this pretty console you have your stuff on.

Man. The comments here have turned into a stress-fest shit show. I am sad that Diesel got killed. I have a malinois mix who I love with every ounce of my being, even though he is a little shit head. I love that Russia is giving France a new puppy. Here, a pic of my boy, hopefully he makes someone happy to look at.