
It does hide past activity that *they* have posted. If you have posted something with them, their name shows up, but it’s not tagged/linked anymore. ANd if they comment on something, you can’t see it. (It makes it really awkward when you are both commenting on a mutual friend’s story, but can’t see each other’s

EVERY woman needs this. It is SERIOUSLY the best thing for faces and hairs.

OMG are you me??

I find most of my music via 8tracks. I type in the keywords of what I am feeling/looking for, and then let it play.

I realized the other day that my music taste basically runs to the stoner/trippy/raver/hardcore gangster rap style....and I do none of those things. So...maybe that’s a good place to try? It works for

That’s good. Because I literally never sent you my restaurant and poop story, and I want to keep not sending it to you. It seems like I am holding up my end of the bargain, and well, I need you to be around for me to not send you that story.

I literally said “Holy Shit” as I started reading this, because I lived near Port Huron when I was younger. My boyfriend at age 19 was, I am not kidding here, *arrested while playing ninja* - running around with a kitana and vandalizing buildings in downtown PH.

Fortunately, that was a LONG time ago, and he is

I tried it for a friend’s wedding. The first dress I got in two sizes - and one size was clearly a shit-made knockoff of the other size of the same dress. I think I posted about it on here previously under a different account.

They *did* expedite a different dress to me, which was good, because I needed to wear this

Wait, what is a moisture-wicking hoodie?

That’s what I was thinking. Must have been a usable/better quality take than the live take in front of the audience.

I have a long history and connection with France, and Paris, and the Marais and Oberkampf neighborhoods in particular. I posted a brief, visible only to my friends, facebook message, followed by a story about the Beirut bombings. I haven’t changed my fbook photo to a an overlay, but I checked in with friends and

This made my day! Then I made my husband stop playing Destiny and made him watch the kittehs. Now we are planning to go to Turkey so I can PET ALL THE KITTEHS.

He would actually be really good at it. He comes when called, walks on a leash, fetches, and thinks he is a dog.

I haven’t actually thought about it though. Mostly I just take pictures of him and post them on Instagram, and terrorize my facebook feed with repeated videos of how silly he is.

Awww, baby rats are the cutest things ever!! You should post a pic too! :)

Yep. It’s astonishing. His sister has green eyes, but he’s got these awesome gold eyes. I bought him a mustard yellow collar, and it’s fantastic with his eyes.

My most recent lorazepam script isn’t filled and the pharmacy is closed. Want beer? I’ve also got whiskey, vodka, and ice cream.

No, I’d say that any Uber driver who espouses rapey type advice deserves one star, or less.

Puppies are ok too. Mr Thirdname came equipped with a doodle and a pit-boxer mix, then added a 9 week old malinois-mix to the menagerie, and I let him put a ring on it.

Edit: I realize that TPIWWP, so I added one, but it doesn’t seem to be working. So. Trust me. Cute dog pic here. Sorry about the Kinjas.

Well yeah, but I’m always cold. I hear hellfire and damnation could actually warm me up if the venti non-fat mocha with extra whip cream doesn’t.

Its a damn paper cup. When the latte is 3/4 gone and cold, it’s getting dumped in the nearest mall trash can. #muricah #murricanchrissmass

I’m willing to go to the ends of the earth to evangelize for my hair routine. I have never had such good hair, with so little effort, and I have Living Proof to thank. I mean, crap, I’m practically ready to out myself here with this burner account just on account of my amazing hair.

I’m willing to go to the ends of the earth to evangelize for my hair routine. I have never had such good hair, with