
Bah. I had mals growing up. Ours was an angel from heaven, and patient as hell with 4 kids around.

We had a doberman/GSD mix after her, and that was a DUMB ASS DOG. She would also do the “RUN RUN RUN! Stop and smile! RUN RUN RUN!” thing. I miss her ugly face. Seriously, she was not a cute dog.

We had a roommate with a supposedly arthritic and lazy rescued beagle who was the biggest asshole about bolting. Door would open, and dog would materialize outside and then BAM. Gone. I hated chasing that dog.

Thank god mine are voice controlled and come when called. They know that when I call them, they get treats.

I would venture that most people don’t come off that well when unscripted. I know I wouldn’t.

Also? I legit love their little back yard space.

OK. If this is true? Then awesome. But you’re right. If not? Whatever. Jen is doing Jen, whatever and however, and I am A-OK with that.

No, no, I would have found out sooner or later. Don’t trouble yourself, dear.

Now I am going to go look at pics of kermit and miss piggy. At least someone out there is still in love......


Gotcha. OK. I was wondering.

lol. Then I must be incredibly unhealthy. Mine tinkles.

Yes, thank you. This is such a comfort.

I haven’t been this devastated since Heidi and Seal*.

(*sarcasm hint, since I never know if anyone picks up on it. )

Exactly. I’ve shot with actual infrared film, and all it does is see a different view of light than what our eye is accustomed to seeing. The above is a processed color infrared film image. Below is black and white IR film. Greenery sends less light to the lens, absorbing the ir spectrum, creating that ghostly effect.

These are all experiences I have had. I have also had hairdressers blow me off when I say “I need you to schedule an extra 50% into your time block when straightening my hair.” because they don’t get it. I have only had one so far apologize for underestimating my thick, heavy, resistant curls. They look great when I

Oh, don’t be afraid to google portmanteau. It will do you a world of good to know what it means.

I’m Jewish on my grandmother’s side, and Welsh on my grandfather’s side. Long, ropey, red curls, kinky and twisted, with sections that are just limp. And I just say it’s my hair.

I am not even kidding, this is how my evening went:

Hubby and I got home.
We played Dance Central.
I danced to Hollaback Girl and sang the lyrics that were edited out.
Husband made some comment about Gwen Stefani, I replied with comment about Gwen Stefani’s abs. Husband referenced the average level of beauty in the

He was briefly in the new Amy Schumer movie, “Trainwreck” and it was a fucking hilarious cameo.

In america? We are assholes. I tend to say please and thank you in excess to try to make up for the people before and behind me, especially since I live within 20 minutes of one of the most expensive zip codes in the country. Those rich girls are the worst.

Thisi is even funnier considering I am in the greys on kithenette but not jezebel.

I used to hack things, but then I took an arrow to the knee. #crossreferencehack #overusedpopculturenerd #illsitdownnowhack #pleasedontsendmebacktothregreys #imveryveryveryverysorry

THANK YOU. YES. Is there a club somewhere we can join? I fucking HATE clutter. I also HATE waiting on things to get done because *someone* needs to *research* about the idea I had. Don’t research, don’t play destiny, just go downstairs and declutter your shit and pull up the fucking carpet already. You do NOT get a

I would also accept:
Come Back Later
Come Back Later

Never take the stall next to an occupied stall.