
YOU ARE A GENTLE PERSON AND A SCHOLAR. And I salute you for fighting the good fight to surround the world with puns, whether they be good, bad, or just plain awful.

I love puns more than life itself, sometimes. My husband? I can make him cry with the depth and breadth of my bad punning. I also love a good bad joke.

Heh, yeah. I totally feel you. I am like "I don't want to ask, I don't want to ask, I don't want to ask" and then dammit "PLEASE LIKE ME AND PROVE I AM WORTH IT."

Because I am fucking hilarious. :)

I totally have this experience. It also leads to being "oh my god, I am such a slacker" in my internal dialogue, and then getting told things that are the opposite - I always end up thinking to myself "I have got these people fooled. Ergo, they will soon find out about my slacktastic ways." Then, of course, the

Although it also appears that I am not quite out of the greys, just getting occasional "approvals". Oh, Kinja. You do torment me so!

I followed you, so I hope that can help towards it a bit....


Tuesday's dialogue: "Man, that little pooch over my top of my jeans is just really getting me down."

Wednesday's dialogue: "I actually have money, my house is messy, and I still have deadlines, so SUSHI AND BEER DELIVERY!"

This is the story of my life. I work at home, I have ADD, and I have a shit ton of deadlines right now, and I make shitty financial decisions. So of course, I am reading Jezebel and watching my cats kill a fly, while wearing $200 jeans, because WHO WILL SEE ME!?

BTW, will one of you lovely bitches PLEASE follow me so

I have very graphic fantasies of fucking up someone for telling me to smile, due to my omnipresent Resting Bitch Face.

Exactly. GrassleyThoughts.

My husband has a screen name that ends in "a", which often makes people initially think he is a woman. He's seen a LOT of the shit that comes to women in terms of the gamer dynamic as a result.

But seriously, aside from GG people, who the F cares who she slept with?!?

Can we say who the fuck cares about her eyebrows? This is not about her participation in a beauty contest. Her looks, her attitude, and her presence in the media are only a fucking issue because she is a woman. Fuck all of you trying to make it about anything else.

Yeah, but who stops and does the math on that kind of trip, especially late at night? And seriously, the 9X pricing.....that's just rude. A $20 ride should NOT cost $180, no matter what time of night it is.

Fortunately, they were nice enough to overnight me two other options, one of which worked beautifully. It was definitely an expensive endeavor, but at least I didn't have t0 spend $100+ on a bridesmaid dress that I would never wear again, and I don't have to keep my closet full of not quite right dresses.

I used them this September for a wedding in which I was a bridesmaid. The bride said "wear black, whatever you want" but in order to look "bridesmaid-esque" I really needed something more than a cocktail gown.

I booked 2 sized in a dress that I really liked. When they arrived, the smaller size was too small (curse

If only Marina Abrimovic would support other artists in general, instead of using her position as an art star to manipulate them into working for her for free.

Obvi because gay-bashing and haters are not terrorist threats - hater dude was all american white guy. (in case it is not obvious, I am being sarcastic, sort of.)

That's a cause I can get behind. Well, Kara Brown and Orlando Jones. That's the ticket I wanna see.

Holy shit this made my epoch.