
ugh i would go there and they would use me as proof that their fae exist


This. All. Night.

Lewis Powell (aka Lewis Payne) is a hotness monster. He can get it, I don't care who he tried to assassinate, why, or that he failed at it.

I'm 27, he's 31. I feel like I'm going to die alone, because EVERYONE I KNOW IS GETTING MARRIED OR ENGAGED.

10,000 years from now, they'll think they discovered the lost city of Atlantic Avenue

I'm not married to him, thank God. It'll kill me to see him with someone else (even though I'm 100% sure I will have sex with someone else within a week, because that is What Alconleigh Does When She's Hurt), but his inability to commit the silver lining in this all. He told me ages ago that he's spent him whole

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Having money to spend on shiny things really does help.

That is such a great story. "His name is Rob!"

His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and

I read that as "iron worker who was a secret librarian," and I was like, "dreamboat!"


A Juggalo. I would elaborate but I don't really think that's necessary.

Women are in this weird place where socially & economically we don't really neeeeed to get married, but it's still implied that we're defective if we don't get married. It's a tough place to be. Logically, I know I'd rather be my myself than be married to someone I wasn't bonkers about just for the sake of being

It's going to be the 'Showgirls' of this generation. It will wind up living in so-bad-it's- great cult infamy.

There is just so much to keep track of.

Wow, the thirst is fucking real. That guy? THAT GUY? With those whack ass gums?

Wow this is the most funny picture I have seen in a while. They look like celibate people who hate each other. The film is gonna suck big balls. I cannot wait.

Whoa, this guy sure is moderately attractive.

Did you catch any of the red carpet? Giuliana asked Keaton "if you could be a superhero, which would you be"?