
Oh, puhlease! Two summers ago, I was sitting on the beach with a friend who is a single mom and her darling kiddo and another close girlfriend. We were lamenting the lack of single, eligible men in our lives. We are out together as group often and joked, “Maybe men see us out all the time with your kiddo and they just

Do these people REALLY think anything will change with the almighty Super Bowl and its bajillion dollar ad revenue? Next year, the latest incarnation of Charlotte whatever her name is will be featured eating a burger while getting a Brazillian wax done and Nationwide will serve up some visually graphic footage of the

PLEASE can we talk about people on FB who post pictures of dead loved ones (from when they were living) with accompanying captions that featutre emojis like crying faces, broken hearts and praying hands or (even worse) when replying to people who express condolences on FB, they use emojis in their response? There's a

My 39 year old cousin is one of the tackiest, most vulgar people I know. Her ex husband whom she loathed died in September of cirrhosis due to alcoholism. She HATED him on account of how he got another woman pregnant (while she was also pregnant with her only child, mind you, and yes, she was tacky and an all around

I am sorry for your loss. Best way to solve this? Delete the postings (assuming you have access to your wife's FB) as soon as you see them. IF these women dare to ask/demand why you did this, turn it around and say, why do YOU think I did this? There will be squirming. It should cease and desist going forward.

Share a friend's random status OR a photo of them with their family members or them doing something totally non-descript. I have a much older friend aged 65 who still has not mastered FB or The Interwebs. And she is constantly (despite a couple friendly messages from me asking her not to do this and pointing out FB

I didn't put anyone down. I honestly can't believe anyone would pay that much money for shoes that look so old and worn. But I guess I am wrong and people are willing to pay it if these shoes are selling out as I think someone on here mentioned. It is my opinion that's a waste of money but by all means, enjoy your

Oh, I forgot. We aren't allowed to have differing opinions/taste. Thanks for the reminder. Noted!

$98 for women's shoes that look both manly and like a pack of wild elephants trampled on them? I know I am an Old but people will actually spend that amount of hard earned money on shoes that look this way? Yikes. This is not s shabby chic or distressed look. I expected her to say in a hipster coy way that she found

Back in college when I briefly (briefly because of assholes like this one) waited tables, I once served a family of about 8 people. I was still fairly new and learning the ropes but my service WAS decent and nothing egregious happened and I felt like there was a good rapport. They tipped me by leaving a carefully

Something shady is going on there. Maybe time will tell......

There is no method to this madness. Just drink, refresh the drink, eat carbs and repeat. It sort of sucks weathering major storms alone but it is what is is. I am not one for blizzard ads on Craigs and I just kicked my boytoy to the curb. Oh, Lordy, I won't be able to deal if the power goes. I will post pictures of

There IS a little "trying too hard to prove their love" thing that radiates off them both, no?? I think this dog might have even seen John show "all of himself" to another hot male maybe. Anyone else concur? Or am I already storm drunk? Both scenarios are plausible.

It's always funny to even be slightly connected.

Ha, I have actually met Janeane twice and she was super nice. Which of course doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. One of the NY Jets was interested in one of my cousins and stalked her for a while via text. He was very ghetto. That's all I got.... Oh, wait, one more. A friend's first cousin is married

Sounds about right. Jezebel, I wish we could start a rumor mill sub-blog about people we know who dated famous people and their experiences. (We could call it Starf*cker, Ha.) But I guess there would cause all sorts of trouble from a slander/defamation standpoint.

We need more details! The creep factor has always been strong with this one.

Were we watching the same show? With maybe one or two moments in this Bachelor sketch, Blake's turn as host was painful to watch. He's easy on the eyes and I guess for people into country music, they find him enjoyable to listen to, but he always strikes me as someone who has Yes people around him constantly telling

Cool your jets. I never said they were all bad films. I was just surprised to not see her list include more dynamic choices. Those four films are great for what they are but for someone who has never made a film trying to exert control over the film making process, her taste comes off as one dimensional.

The only way any of these shows would be interesting and grab an audience would be by constantly rotating the hosts/perspectives.