
Everything about her narrative is radical. The media has no idea how to handle it. She is not playing respectable victim. She is matter of fact, defiant, funny and flippant in her narration. Her interview with Anderson Cooper was unconventional because she does not come across as harrowed or traumatized. Frankly AC

The jus one.

Don't forget the condescending nature of that idea, which is that people who aren't poly are either in denial or less "evolved."

I'll go ahead and be the one to ask the awkward question on everyone's mind here: if you lose, does Kanye's mother go to hell?

American Sniper is just the Marine Todd internet meme made into a movie. Remember when The Passion of the Christ came out and people were afraid to criticize it for being nothing more than two hours of torture-porn because they were afraid of going to hell? That's Sniper. People don't want to be considered

My wife died last year at age 35. (Bear with me, totally not trolling for sympathy.)

If he committed this atrocity on his own innocent, helpless infant, life in prison is nowhere sufficient. How about swift and deserved justice in the form of a quickly enacted death penalty, just this once. If that's ever been warranted, surely this is the time.

Honestly it's shit like this that makes me go, "Death penalty? Meh. I'll allow it."

That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.

Please don't tell me you actually leave your shoelaces flop around like that as some sort of fashion statement, Jesus Christ.

Okay, now post a photo of a fat gal wearing normal clothes like this. I'm so tired of fatshion blogs that are fat girls like me wearing stupid froufy dresses and unflattering belts and impractical shoes. I get it. You're feminine. Now post me some hot-looking normcore.

The only time anyone should be allowed to drop 12 dimes in public is if they are a point guard playing professional basketball.

My go to position is that the finance guys adore American Psycho and Scarface and play them on a loop while they try to order roofies online.

That movie list, yikes. Individually any of these movies would be ok, but all together that movie marathon is the broiest bro down to have ever broed.

Ok but what if you invite someone over and they turn out to be A FREAK or just really terrible and then they can't leave? THIS SEEMS LIKE A HUGE RISK, GUYS.

breast play

Yes, they definitely have a "you need to buy what we're selling" type vibe about their relationship. Doesn't mean it's fake. Just means it's questionable. lol.

You should write a guide to getting "storm drunk." Is there a strategy? Did you prepare? If the storm rages for several days, do you do anything differently on day 3, or employ different methods for loss of power, etc.? Storm drunk is the best kind of drunk, because you are stuck! :)

about the other dog.