
This is heartbreaking. I hope this little one is raised by family with all the love and help she will need. It also reinforces my belief that hobbyist pilots shouldn't fly their loved ones anywhere. Please can we just leave piloting planes to the real professionals?

I have to say the cleanse was more about making myself stop eating crap than actually losing weight which I looked forward to as a great side effect. I know, I know, I know our bodies are built with organs that detox us naturally butttt.... my insides felt cleaner, my cravings for junk were gone and I legit glowed. I

A middle-aged couple on my FB who both individiually post all the time about their 4 yr old....just started the 4 yr old's "own" FB page. I can't even, I can't even, I can't even. I am already looking forward to clicking delete on that friend request when it comes in. This is some next level, narcissistic

A middle-aged couple on my FB who both individiually post all the time about their 4 yr old....just started the 4 yr old's "own" FB page. I can't even, I can't even, I can't even. I am already looking forward to clicking delete on that friend request when it comes in. This is some next level, narcissistic bullshit

A middle-aged couple on my FB who both individiually post all the time about their 4 yr old....just started the 4 yr old's "own" FB page. I can't even, I can't even, I can't even. I am already looking forward to clicking delete on that friend request when it comes in. This is some next level, narcissistic bullshit

The scariest thing is when you post something like this article on FB (like I did) and then one of the people to like it is the biggest alternate reality/fantasy lifer of your FB friends. And you are close enough to this person to know they know you know their real deal. It's next level extreme delusion and lack of

Thank you!

Unfortunately, after a few "ok" years, things took a recent turn for the not so great due to circumstances outside of my control. Let's just say I am grateful for family close by and being able to eat dinner there every night. On the brink of losing my place and panicking but hoping against hope that recent momenetum

Yesssssss! <3


That's become my barometer for anyone who claims they struggled. If they ever went to bed hungry and/or only had coins to pay for a food purchase, lest they would go to bed hungry. Another shining moment: my pay check for my part time job not clearning in the bank, me going to the drive thru at Burger King late at

I have sooo much to contribute as a lifelong dieter, like the random pills I mail ordered when I was in 7th grade which were advertised in the back of the National Enquirer - the accompanying diet involved frying up a minute steak each morning. A new routine my mother never bothered to question.

It's ok. I once took my change from the console in my old jalopy to the grocery store and asked customer service before I "shopped" (for one frozen food item for dinner) if they could give it to me (maybe it was like $4) in bills, coming up with a story about how I was coming straight from the gym and had

I did it once out of sheer stubborness for the minimum 10 days. It was crazy, I felt faint a lot, my tongue turned white and every day at exactly 5:45 pm, I got a 10 min fever. At the end, my skin was glowing like it had been photoshopped and my body actually felt "reset". Weight wise- I lost like maybe 12 -15 lbs. I

Hello! I love you! Friends 4eva, k?????

Totally aside from the shady price hikes and the awfulness of these assaults and subsequent infuriating "safety tips," I am curious - am I the only one, since the first day Uber showed up on the scene- to wince and automatially tune out anyone who references using Uber or any sentence that involves the phrase,

Yeah, I caught the reference. And was adding to it my observation that everyone keeps saying the old cliche, 'Life begins...." Sorry I should have acknowledged your reference before stating what is actually being said to me by people IRL. Looooong day.

If one more person tells me how my life is just about to begin...... I'm grateful for being smarter and less apologetic and realizing I am above average emotionally intelligent (sometimes too much so for my own good) but how that still beats tolerating bullshit from people. Thatzabudit.

Ha! My midlife crisis has been personified for some time now. He's an alluring creep across the room at a party I wasn't even supposed to be at, with a 70s vibe to his suit, giving me the slightest come hither wave as he eats anothet cracker with cheese. Issues, I haz them.....

If this is 35, it WAS shitty. But be thankful it isn't 40. Because that's the monster I am staring down 5 months and counting. Birthdays, for the most part, suck. But we can't fight them.