
You'll be ok, honey. This too shall pass.

Maybe I am too much of an Oldz, but to me, she has zero talent other than being ridicuous and being able to have hired a good publicist. Surely I can't be alone.....

It always amazes me how these pieces of shit have the time to do things like send hundreds of evil letters to mourning families and the funds to support themselves as they try and convince others they are gurus. Like you know this guy didn't have a 9-5 job and he was clocking out of the paper clip factory to come home

Yes, I think it is also applicable for the opposite situation. The beginning of relationships. All of that is so private to me. I am a Lady of a Certain Age now and I cringe my face off whenever I see anyone (always females) who are younger and don't know any better or, worse yet, my peers, who excitedly change their

Yep, that's exactly it. I had forgotten to mention cringing at other people's too. This is word for word what I said to her in my private message- it may not be right for you but I just wanted to share it. "Hey Name! Could you please do me a favor? I love that you get such a kick out of the photos I post but I would

I would go "gentle" Mama Bear on her and tell her nicely but firmly that you don't want your little one to have a large digital imprint this early on (explaining what that means of course) and how unfortunately you can't trust anyone these days and if people on her own friends' list don't have their settings adjusted

My two biggest irksome FB issues of late: a good aquaintence who is an older woman who didn't know that if she saw a photo or post of mine (or anyone else it appears) that she liked, the proper thing to do was click like or comment. Now I am someone who is as private as possible on FB. (Yes, I know anyone on my list

I can still picture myself during my last major break-up of a serious relationship a few years ago, on the phone with my freshly gone ex, as we waded through FB to make sure that gahhhdamn little red broken heart didn't show up in our newsfeeds when we changed our relationship statuses. It was super shitty. And we did

I think it's also because FB mobile has access to your contacts so if you were texting and calling your online dating dudes, if you didn't delete their numbers as most of us do in order to ID their numbers if they ever reach out to us, then FB mobile will suggest them to you as friends. Case in point- my on-again off

Ha ha haaaaa. The best part is how she wouldn't own up to what happened until we dragged it out of her.

Yeah and even with Rosie, we would arrive at 7 am, she would come in like around 8 and go to hair and makeup, chill, meet with her asisstants, say hi to guests and then on live days Mon-Thurs (we did a second taping on Thurs afternoon that ran as Friday's show) we were on live at 10 am and unless she needed to meet

I used to work at Rosie's show. Time is money (union money!) and with a live studio audience present, they film them as quickly as possible. Reality shows (also worked for one) and docs and dramas take notoriouslty long to film even the shortest scenes/get the briefest of shots. Shows like The View and Rosie back in

Yeppppp. And considering it wasn't her first time, that means she is aware she has a problem and could have taken some GasX. It's only an hour long show. Anyone with respect for others and basic dignity in their own lives wouldn't set foot on the stage for such a short amount of time if they weren't prepared in every

Which is awful but there are dozens of us with great commenting records who shouldn't have to be left to lurk in the shadows because of one twisted asshole.

I'm so so sooooo proud that I know the person behind this. Who is just as brilliant as you would imagine. :)

So crazy! I mean the rape gif problem had to be resolved, no question. But the community engagement experience would be an actual community engagement experience if regulars with no strikes against them could, like, engage freely with the community.

Also- can we please talk about how auto correct on smartphones never allows the word vagina to be typed. No, I am not typing 'bag in.' It's almost as bad as Duck. Why are our phones such goddamn Puritans?

Honey pot is my all-time favorite but I defy anyone saying that and the people involved to not erutpt into laughter. As it is impossible to use in a serious way during sexy times. I think maybe the key is not calling it anything at all. It's a physical body part obviously worthy of a lot of respect, it has such power

I know there are tons of people on Kinja but surely there's an intern who can wade through and clear the innocuous posters who actully have worthwhile content and ideas to share. It's not rocket science. Once in a while I am out of grays on Jezebel and Gawker and then I am back in. There has to be a better system.

I've given up on ever moving from the grays. What's really bizarre is that I was starrred commentator for years under Gawker's old system (different name but same email address and real life name linked to my account) and I even won one of the "Worst Holiday Ever" commentator contests. But here I am, all grayed up