
Ha, ha, ha. I always say I am going to throw a 'Saturday night Jez' party. One of these weekends I will! PS How INSANE is it that I've been a sane/consistent/courteous/clever commenter for over a year under this name and was a starred commenter under a different name for YEARS prior to this and even won one of the

Yesss! I have oversized furniture and enough kitties for everyone and a 24 hour diner across the street. I'm livin' the merry spinster dream !

I used to think that, too, until I saw an ad in Vogue (which I never read and was only reading in the waiting area of a salon) for EL's Double-Wear foundation which is not impacted by sweat/moisture and still looks natural/non-cakey. That shit changed my life. Can't praise it enough. And I'm a beauty products

I am in my pajamas about to eat pot pie watching ID network aka 'The Murder Channel' next to my kitties and about to crack open the pages of the latest Coelho. There will be hot chocolate and Mallomars later on. BLISS.

Rest of the Goo Goo Dolls: Get over yourselves. You're the Goo Goo Dolls. No one's going to notice if a sessions drummer is brought in for a couple shows.

I have always been amazed - AH-MAZED- by how routine birth (natural and c-section) is considered. Just because it happens thousands of times a day and we've come a long way from women squatting over mud holes doesn't take away from the fact that HOLY SHIT, A MINIATURE HUMAN BEING IS BUSTING OUT OF SOMEONE'S BODY. Am

Yes. How is falafel Mexican? Do you think this woman wandered into a fast food Mexican lunch spot expecting something other than Mexican? Or does she think tahini is the same thing as sour cream? So many questions! #missingthepoint

I'm sorry I don't cook or dine in fine restaurants for every meal each day. I bow to the daily cuisine greatness you clearly experience. Gawd, I wish I were you! You're so mighty and superior. And what a life of leisure you must lead that allows you time in the kitchen, a bank account flush with cash for daily fine

That may be true though I've eaten at many non-chain and chain Mexican restaurants and never seen anything called 'white sauce.' But then I would also need to assume she just didn't hear the burrito maker saying, "corn , cheese or sour cream?" when she reached that section of add-ons...

I am a Poor but every bag I have ever coveted has been sleek, "simple and clean" and didn't include a loud pattern much less any ughly ass logo. No thanks!

I love nice things yet LOATHE AND DESPISE overpriced purses on which the logo of the company tha made them appears to be throwing up all over said expensive handbag. When will women realize those bags are fugly and have no other value other than to publicly announce that they or someone in their lives had the money to

Last month at Chipotle, the woman on line in front of me pointed at the sour cream and asked for "white sauce" on her burrito. White. Sauce. Sighhhh.

Yes to the 40th birthday register! As a spinster cat lady type (I did a few LTRs and a couple co-habitations but they didn't work out so here I am....) who mever really attained monetary success on her own, while I am thrilled to the gills that some friend will help me celebrate next year when I turn (and yes, I am

I'm a little late to the party on this post but anyone else ever notice how many farrrrrr beyond high school aged women who make news headlines- whether for troubling stories like this or because they were crime victims or because they committed crimes- seem to have Sears Portrait Studio headshots of themselves, all

That's awful. Now imagine it being used as an educational tool in a school. Ay yi yi.

I shit you not- THIS was my lone sex ed class in my NJ Catholic high school: A beast of a female teacher (known for her poor hygiene) who was actually the drama teacher (whaaaa?) showed us all a 20 year old video of the PBS show NOVA. It was the episode from the 70s that featured a woman giving birth without an

Agreed. Lack of interns or interns that don't care???? Although maybe it won't be a problem for much longer since the quality of content is going so downhill so fast. And ps your username is fanf*ckingtastic.

Don't feel bad. Back in Gawker's commenting heyday (aka the "earning a star system") I earned my star with my former user name by winning one of the commentator "Worst Ever...." essay contests (winner was determined by other commentators) which actually led to a potential book deal with a major publisher. But, yet,

I have two female friends who never quite let go of their 80s upbringing. Or cared to embrace any culture happening post that era. They are from two different groups of friends and never met each other. I cringe every time I see yet another FB photo of either of them with Constantine Moroulis or however its spelled-

WHYYY is she naked as she gets a tattoo that isn't on her arse?