Friend Zone

You are not my “friend” if you’re going to indulge in this murderer-excusing nonsense. The “origins of her passing” were when Melvin shot her after the police did nothing about him.

If you look up Melvin Shawn Rowland you will find a hundred stories about what he’s been accused of but you will never see a story of how he had been harassed and bullied by the cops his whole life. You won’t see that his struggle, only shame for the accusations against him. You won’t see how he tried, how he just

didnt know Photoshop did extremely high quality CGI video edits, must be the new update i haven’t downloaded?

Perceptions of Jewish suffering warrant the invasion of unlimited numbers of people into the US. Immigration and refugee policy is always seen by Jews in terms of Jewish interests and perceptions of the past, not what’s good for most Americans.

If Meghan leaves does that jeopardize the content deal between Splinter and “The View” I assume exists because this site writes more about this third-tier talk show than almost anything else?

The notion of “Never Again” applying specifically and only to Jews seems like exactly the same idea as “American exceptionalism.” Republicans need an empathy transplant. Meanwhile, I want to send flowers to Rabbi Becky!

Agree. I lived in SF for many years, miss it terribly, left my heart there. The problem of homelessness there is as you say, not different from other major cities, and there is always a political slant when that’s used against that beautiful place.

I sure did, thanks!

Win this one for one of America’s first strong, independent women, Betsy Ross.

I mean, anyone would be better than the current shitstain in charge, but I can’t really imagine a world with a “President Hickenlooper”

You definitely didn’t. Jesus fuckin christ you’re tiresome. No one I know has rats and I know people that are fairly poor. Stop talking out of your ass.

Totally agree.  I have no doubt this is what will finally bring the bad orange man down.

Thanks for saying this. As a bay area resident I’m reaaaally tired of this narrative. That’s not to say that we don’t have a problem and we need to do more to help those in need, but it’s bizarre to me to see SF fixated upon - particularly by journalists in NYC - as an aberration? 

I’m an expert skier and snowboarder and live and ride in the Wasatch. I’m out from 40-80 days a year, depending on snow levels. I honestly prefer the backcountry to resorts. That said, as I both ski and ride, I’m on a lift I hear complaints from both sides. They’re all baseless and pathetic. I will say that novice

Look, I understand you have a point with the split between the haves and have nots in SF. But I will tell you that in places with better climates (California in general, Seattle, Tampa) there are WAY WAY more homeless people out all the time.

You might be right. I keep getting PooFi and WiFi mixed up.

Those are WiFi hotspots.

Of course SF is like most cities:

I mean, he probably jerks off a lot. That’s an accomplishment. Uh... right? Right guys?