Friend Zone

DC resident here. Can confirm it’s not fixed whatsoever, or even improved.

Not a huge Harris fan, but if she slays the dragon of mediocrity and nostalgia for the era’s of segregation and that Biden has become, then so be it. I’m all for her getting a good size poll bump to perhaps cause the Biden to shed support to other more progressive and socialist candidates.

I don’t know, dude. There a lot of people on the attack against Sanders. Lots of fake liberals and progressives who don’t really want class disparities or corporatism to be addressed.

This is good shitposting.

Well, there’s the recording and the song itself. She owns the song - the lyrics, the melody, the arrangement, the harmony; the record company owns the recording. It’s a confusing mess, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Democratic Party is not interested in helping people. That much is increasingly clear with each passing day. 


Enjoy the lack of sensitivity 

I say just have a ton of em!

Mayor Pete is a third way Democrat that was born 40 years too late. He is trying to take the Obama approach to hide the fact he is a moderate conservative with a liberal populist veneer but is failing miserably.

Helmets? helmets. Helmets.

Well, obviously the solution is for the entire population of DR and Haiti to move to America. #OpenBorders

No, I’m not poking fun. Car helmets would save many more lives than most of the safety improvements we discuss, but for some reason they exist outside the typical conversation around safety.

No doubt it is not fairly distributed at all. Usually it goes only to the most popular locations/cities. The rural folks in these areas are living in the 1600s still, in many cases. Then the disparity between the corporate ownership versus local family businesses is another roadblock. Plus you have many employees at

I see what you’re saying but tourism dollars are drastically different from government aide. We can dictate how aide money is spent and how governments in those countries are held accountable and transparent with spending.

In 2016 37,361 people were killed in car accidents in the US. The US population in 2016 was 323.4 Mil. That means .00115% of the US population were killed in car accidents that year. Baseball is statistically more dangerous than driving. Math is fun.

You’ll save a lot more lives mandating them all the time rather than only during baseball games. How many people are killed in a year by head trauma at baseball games compared to the total?