Friend Zone

Who murdered her? Not as simple as that my friend. The origins of her passing were born in the theft of this county and all its consequences.

“All war is crime, but not all crime is war nor is all crime crime.”

No they do not. Full stop.

Institutional Oppression often manifests itself in the acts of the individual.

Yes. The accused and the woman who passed away were both victims, directly and indirectly, of the SLC Police Force.

So, why did these people choose to move to Georgia? We aren’t gonna flip Georgia. They should have moved to Florida.

If you look up Melvin Shawn Rowland you will find a hundred stories about what he’s been accused of but you will never see a story of how he had been harassed and bullied by the cops his whole life. You won’t see that his struggle, only shame for the accusations against him. You won’t see how he tried, how he just

What is truly terrible is that the accused assailant in this case, Melvin Shawn Rowland, had been bullied by these same cops his whole life. He was a victim in this too but nobody says a thing about that.


While this made for good theater the unfortunate truth is that Kamala still has no chance whatsoever to get the nomination. She has way too many skeletons in her closet so she’s out. Warren is unelectable thanks to her lifelong appropriation of the sacred Native American identity. So it looks like it will be the

That being the case, it’s pretty insane that billlionaires are literally begging to be taxed more in this environment.

Yes, the issue is her grammar. Often atrocious. 

1 Game > Entire Career Thus far

Scott’s wife looks really put off about whatever he just said. Anyway, this crime is unprosecutable because it was done on not American property. It was done on Mexico property. Therefore no prosecutions are legitimate unless done by the Mexican government.

Brett ‘The Hitman’ Heart, The Undertaker, The Bushwackers, Rick Flair, Hulk, Macho Man... these are just a few of my favorite wrestlers. I grew up watching wrestling and really love and miss the sport. Today’s game just ain’t the same. For me, it’s unwatchable. I miss the suplexes and the genuine trash talk. Some of

Not sure what this webpicture is saying, but I think I like it. A lot.

I want to live in a world where all of our eyeballs are cameras that record everything we see and upload the videos into an easily-searchable, open and centralized database. This gets us one step closer.

JFC no need to shame the press for being interested in Rapinoe. She’s a huge talent and her opinions are super timely and shared by literally millions of people. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they aren’t valid. 

Seriously.... They might have to actually start reading the news, or something!

When people say they have good-bad feelings about something I guess this is what they mean. I don’t like Megan, however  I do like watching Megan because it’s entertainment for me and that’s is why I watch The View in the first place. That and also to become more informed. So without Megan who would it be? Probably