that'll be bidet

I 10000% believe all of this happened exactly as described. I’ve been working in the music industry for years, and at one point worked at a rival magazine to Fader and had many friends who worked at Vice. The descriptions of these parties are totally dead-on and I can completely see all of those events happening. I

their tears taste better than the first sip of coffee in the morning.

“Woman lands new job thanks to President Trump”

Goddamn, fuck your shitty auto-play videos

To understand how seriously Facebook takes this issue, consider this example:

In many ways, Mitch McConnell is worse than Donald Trump.

You inspire me with your calm, stoic disposition and unwavering prioritization of that which matters most in life.

What a dumb asshole.

This Buick:

Part of me wants to ask “what the fuck makes dudes like this think shit like this is okay?”

The rest of me understands: “Entitlement. Entitlement, and a culture that has been content until just recently to say ‘boys will be boys.’”

Thank god the second part of that appears to be experiencing some pushback, at least.

The whole “implication” scene works because they aren’t really making a joke about rape; the joke is purely on Dennis, and Mac’s reaction to it.

That entire series is Exhibit A for how full of shit the Todd Phillips of the world are. Longest running comedy in TV history and it’s nothing but absolutely repugnant vile filth. I love it.

I haven’t seen any of It’s Always Sunny... this season, but I thought last season’s “Times Up for the Gang” and “The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem” showed how you can get a lot of laughs out of “woke culture” without being straight up alt-right assholes about it.

Puccini would agree.

I grew up in Paradise. I had moved away before the fire, but my mom and brothers and several friends still lived there. I went and saw the damage. Every single one of the houses I lived in are gone. I had a hard time even recognizing where they were. It’s hard to describe the devastation. My family lives in Chico now

I look forward to this tradition of “brilliant” men treating their collaborators like shit finally dying its overdue death. I don’t care if it supposedly brings out better performances, or if entertainment is meant to be a “tough industry. These are people helping you create something. Treat them with dignity or fuck


In most states (NC, CA) it is illegal to belong to a gang(UBN, LK&Q, etc.) but it is perfectly legal to belong to a white supremacist group bent on death, war, and hate of another. Fucking Atomwaffen has espoused hatred and has called upon a race war for decades. Yet, we do nothing about it. Terrorizing other cultures

Buy them all out and return the area to nature as a new state wildlife management area.

I’m feeling very, very attacked by this comment.