You paint yourself as much smarter than someone who would resort to painting past comments as jokes when it is clear that is untrue.
You paint yourself as much smarter than someone who would resort to painting past comments as jokes when it is clear that is untrue.
Happy Anniversary to my CPU
Prior to joining the team, he worked for Ernst & Young
So much time and money spent trying not to pay people for their time.
You mean this column isn’t Handwringers Anonymous???
Looks like I’ve found my plans for the evening.
Dude I’ve been renting my place for 12+ years and have painted multiple rooms, hammered countless ugly nail holes in every wall, etc etc and I’ll be damned if I expect my deposit back?? LOL come on now.
Thank you! My arms would be yanked from their sockets if I tried this on a BART escalator.
Oh, you.
Says the chumpy adult sucking on his childhood-flavored vapor nom noms. Great look.
If only we could reabsorb these dumbasses.
Fuck this dick into the ground.
you do it because you think you can
Someone needs to remind her that a drunk mouth speaks a sober mind.
A customer waived some money to have you bark like a dog and you barked.
Honestly, I feel like someone should write a paper on “the waiter always asks how the food is either before or as you are taking your first bite.” Ig Nobel winner, hands down.
“Quit yer bitchin’, others are worse off!” is a stupid argument to make, but you went for it anyway.
Could be mine? Every Friday the sales team across the floor blasts pop hits for all to endure. They also ring a cowbell after closing a sale, so perhaps it’s time to purchase some noise-cancelers.