that'll be bidet

His character was firmly established when he splinched that Quarian in the cantina doorway for touching his armor. I’ve had 40 years of Jedi goody goodness, I’m ready to see a beskar adorned badass teach dirty fuckers what happens when they violate a mando’s personal space.    

Jeez, That is cold. I got the classic;It looks like you haven’t been missing many meals.’ Last time it happened I countered with “Why don’t you go brush your tooth Steve?” We don’t talk much any more.  

Thank you.I wasn’t looking for pats on the back, but to paint a picture that even what I do isn’t a reality for the urban and/or working poor,who simply don’t have the time, live in food deserts, or don’t have the knowledge that I do.

I tend to say that in the majority of human history, the poor were just literally starved to death. Whereas now, we have unhealthy, cheap, subsidized food where the poor are killed by diabetes or heart disease instead. And then blamed for it.

Don’t break your back reaching for those conclusions. “for pleasure” books aren’t something universities are going to assign for mandatory reading. These ‘common’ reading lists are supposed to challenge a young person’s ability to analyze, interpret and draw conclusions on a more complex level than they did in high

She didn’t have to dox the girl to her hundreds of thousands of followers. She set this person up for cyber-bullying all because she had an opinion on her work. You’re better than that Sarah.

That is not at all what I said.

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

And yet you responded to it. For someone harping on about priorities you don’t seem to have any better ones.

There’s a very good chance a gyno told him these exact things, but stupid gonna stupid.

“I ain’t gonna let my daughter grow up to be like the women I cheat on my wife with!” - T.I. probably

Humiliated, embarrassed... Let’s not play semantics here.

If you’re the sort who can’t make the distinction between excessive consumption for its own sake and one drink, then I have to respect that.

If we were, we’d be licking yours.

You noticed wrong.

No he isn’t - the walk signal is flashing. In NYC, the walk time is way shorter than in most other cities.

Honk and the idiot in front of me learns the light is green.

I use my horn to notify the guy at the front of the left turn lane that he’s been looking at his cell phone for the last 5 seconds of our 10 second turn window. Completely justified in my opinion.

Car horns are wonderful devices to get unobservant nincompoops moving after they dillydally at a green light. 

No, it’s used to communicate that you are driving poorly and to move to allow more experienced drivers to occupy that lane. Sounds like you are the recipient of frequent reminders.