Define ‘evil’ if you don’t mind. Pointing at the violent illegal immigrants and then painting all the rest with the same brush is called bigotry.
Define ‘evil’ if you don’t mind. Pointing at the violent illegal immigrants and then painting all the rest with the same brush is called bigotry.
I don’t shrug, so not sure where your info is coming from. Just kidding, I know where it’s coming from.
Nice hyperbole, but alas: it is nothing but.
If you’re white it’s called “calling 911 then shrugging when people get killed.”
I’m sorry for your loss but you’re an ignorant dumbass blinded by emotion.
“Stupid human. I wake up fully clothed; when will your species catch up?”
I laughed out loud in a meeting, damn my lack of professionalism!
Hahaha. Hahahahahaha. Haaaaaaahahahahahahaha.
I wear a falling apart pair that are molded to my feet and comfortable as hell. My friend calls them “potato shoes” because my feet look like lumpy tubers and I DO NOT CARE.
Same! Best of luck on your projects.
Yup. I do that after the microwave bit, and it’s darn near perfect every time.
My mom’s a nurse and stands by “if someone says they’re dying, believe them” because more often than not that’s what ends up happening.
I clarified elsewhere but my emphasis was on groups fleeing explicit religious persecution, not just being members of a faith in general.
Recalling it still blows my mind.
I’m torn on whether this guy beats it to Handmaid’s Tale.
My eyes reading that last sentence: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
At least those falsies sufficiently cover her cavernous eyeholes.