that'll be bidet

This is like the younger employees at my company recognizing the ‘Save’ icon as nothing more than meaning ‘to save’ and not what it actually is an image of: a floppy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dude I don’t blame you, that book is so good. I have several Game of Thrones books in both paperback and original hardcover where they were first editions. Sometimes Half Price Books doesn’t know what they have, the dingdongs.

Yup, thank you. I own almost 1k and that’s after multiple pre-moving purges. I keep what I want to keep because I want to keep it. If the load ends up being 36 small Home Depot boxes, so be it, I made my choice and will deal with the ramifications.

Ugh, that’s awful. We’ve been there, it sucks and hurts my heart... but not enough to stop setting up more traps. Also,

Yup. My husband and I have a holy trinity: uninterrupted sleep, respected personal space, and freedom (of travel, et al).

I just extend that same courtesy to myself and apply the same rules.

Eh, I feel you. I want my husband to go on an extended fishing trip so I can run away solo to our favorite hot spring spot. He would be so butthurt if I went without him, so I either have to weather his butthurtness or spirit away while he’s absent.

Sweet Jesus, what a moron. Glad he’s okay, but wow.

I dunno why you need a separate name for two things that are more or less the same goddamn thing. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they either set it up that way deliberately to open the gates for this exact type of bullshit, or they simply lack the brains to come up with a reasonable solution.

Sales? These are soccer players, strawman.

Thank you! I’d forgotten about that ability. Done.

Hello! Unrelated but you have an imposter:

Ha, what a weiner.

As a lifelong SF resident, this is classic verbose empty bullshit.

I wish to god you were a victim of hyperbole, but alas.

My geology teacher told us about the strength of diamonds in class one day. A girl immediately jumped up and punched a window with her engagement ring hand, shattering the diamond. She tried to sue the teacher, when she should have sued her stupid, stupid brain.

God dammit, why did you nail it.


Their faces look like one of those apps that blend a bunch of different faces together into one layered nightmare of a “face.”

To be fair, I wouldn’t want to be alone with this sexist slimebucket and his suburban third grader haircut, like, ever.