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    $70 for the whole plan, or for the data? I'm paying $20 or $30 for the data (I think $20, but I'm not totally sure). I don't have that 5GB cap because it's that old. I know they only throttle, but I don't want to be throttled at any limit.

    No no no no no no. I have actual really unlimited data for less money per month than they're charging for their "unlimited" data plan now.

    No, with a CC I would have ended up paying more interest because I know my spending style. YOU wouldn't have paid a fee, sure, but I would have. What I did is like forgetting to pay your CC bill on time. It is a personal decision, I agree, but I am saving money by having debit instead of credit because of my

    I don't get it. I've used the multiple destinations feature for years. I had to type it instead of hitting a + sign, but what's the big difference?

    As I stated above, I have Capital One 360, formerly known as ING Direct. I used to have BoA and Citizens, and they both sucked (BoA more than any). The only downside is that while there are tons of ATMs to withdraw money and you can write checks if needed (they'll even 3 day mail it for you for free), there aren't

    what about the noises from the house settling? Our walls creak and pop sometimes.

    I can schedule money transfers automatically, too. But I didn't.

    The way I screwed up on my debit card is basically the same as not remembering to pay the credit card bill on time. Instead of not paying a bill and getting that 20% interest or whatever they're claiming it is these days, I didn't remember to transfer money from savings to checking and got a 9 cent fee. I'm not

    I use Capital One 360 (formerly ING) and my debit card ROCKS. This one time, I screwed up really bad. I made like 10 charges of a few dollars here and there all past what I had in that account (the rest was in my savings). I didn't notice for a week or two. What was the fee? Hundreds of dollars like many? No.

    F*** ME indeed! When I put this comment up, everything was up to date on my phone and it worked as a wrote. Now, half a day later, it's making me say OK, Google. I sort of hope they change Glass' phrase to that so I don't mix them up. Google ninjas are everywhere.

    I actually have glass already (got it early this summer), and its phrase is "Okay, Glass." Having the phrase that different makes it easier for me to not mix them up.

    Shortcut for your shortcut: You don't need to say 'Ok, Google'! You can just say 'Google'. This one drives me nuts. When my Nexus 4 was new, it gave the instructions to just say 'Google', and now it says to say 'Ok, Google' (but works fine with just 'Google').

    Agreed. I'm not worried about the screen and sensor part, because my phone only has a crack on the back (Nexus 4, I dropped it hard), and it's really only damaged in the bottom corner of that, so however I fix it shouldn't matter for wireless charging or anything.

    I wish you could combine these features, but so you know, Google maps does let you put in specific time and date for traffic on the roads. It won't adjust your driving time or anything, but you can see it and start dragging the path manually to the least traffic for when you'd be there that's not totally out of the

    I was about to say that. You can't do anything to get around the commercials on most OnDemand programing on Fios. It's extra frustrating when the commercials are awful and/or gory and don't match the show you're watching at ALL.

    Sure, but he makes things up and doesn't always bother taking it back (eg The government is adding arsenic to your apple juice).

    because it's old. She knows alt f4 closes things, so she only needs to remember the OS is a thing.

    I'm a fan of Windows 8 and don't have issues with the win+c shutdown method, but my mom has a really hard time remembering it (I tried to remind her it's c for charms, but she forgets it's called the charms bar), so this is good for people like her.

    It is, but it works so nicely with that!

    No mention of App-V? I'm really disappointed.