that's pretty cool... If it works well and/or gets an XL, that'd be really nice! I'm a 42DD, so I'm not covered there (or many places).
that's pretty cool... If it works well and/or gets an XL, that'd be really nice! I'm a 42DD, so I'm not covered there (or many places).
Serious tip! If the cup fits perfectly but the band is too small, stores like Frederick's of Holywood sell an expander piece that goes between the two sides of the clasps.
I like keeping some butter in the fridge and other butter out. I use them differently.
I've used it in my browser (chrome), on my phone (android), and on my Glass with no issues. I haven't tried the packaged app yet, though.
Where are they "given a pass"? Where are they blaming others? It just says they're working and struggling. There's no need to deliberately try to make them feel bad (and ask for others to do that as well) because you can't stand their outcome. Offering financial advice is fine (and if it's good advice, it's even…
Assuming you have health care, see if you qualify for free health care (it's actually probably worth checking either way). See if you can qualify for an EBT card, as well. Make sure your tires have enough air and that can help (a teeny tiny bit) with the gas. If you have cable/internet/phone, sometimes threatening…
Those rules almost work. Taxes and many bills (water, heat, etc.) aren't optional. Neither is food. Some people spend more on the above than they can make with whatever job(s) they can get.
I think most of what you wrote has either been addressed by others or is clearly something you aren't about to listen to, but I have to bring up the unreliable income bit. Unreliable income is a HUGE step up from no job (many people are stuck without a job for a year or more and have to take anything they can get),…
Yeah, that is stupid that they don't cover it until then. Heck, it's probably not a bad idea to at least partially cover it for anyone insured, because it's only going to make you healthier.
Awesome, thanks :)
Which of these would be best for me? I use chrome, and I want to know when others see my messages, but I don't want to auto-send as seen when they message me (often because I'm at work and want to wait until later to respond).
Okay, taxes are kind of a reason for that, as yeah, they have to count it. Legally, they have to report cash tips, too, but I've had managers actually enter 0 for me and hand me my cash. The idea is that tips past minimum wage (the actual minimum wage; not the minimum waiter wage they get) are still part of your…
Your situation is odd. Having worked in a restaurant, I know that when anyone tipped me on the card, we were to take the cash out of the register while ending the transaction, so we did actually get the tip right away. As a customer, I find they usually put a hold on my card for the amount of the meal + tax (no tip)…
I'm certain you could... possibly with a variable. Until you figure out how, you could create dummy events 15 minutes after your real events end with a certain name and perhaps hide it from your calendar view...
I have 1 floor, no elevator. But I work from home. Your policy is good for anyone not in a huge hurry, though (who actually goes out into the world). I used it when I was in school whenever I had the time to take to get to class.
Cellphones, yeah.
interesting, we do the opposite. We say hello, wait a couple seconds, and if there's nothing, hang up. If you pick up the phone and say hello 3 times, that's how long it takes for their machine to realize it got someone/start up. We don't get many calls that aren't real anymore, though I'm sure it's largely due to…
While it's upsetting when they remove features, they tend to either roll them into other Google products (like they did with Google Wave) or provide you with an easy way to backup your info/settings and import it into other free services (like they did with Google Reader). As long as they do one of those things, it…
Hmm... that IS odd. I'm guessing it's just bad luck, then.