The best part of shopping through Amazon is that I never have to visit a Walmart.
The best part of shopping through Amazon is that I never have to visit a Walmart.
Saving a few dollars will never prompt me to shop at Walmart. Their low prices are provided by their terrible business practices in general.
Wal-Mart Vs. Amazon. Who treats their employees worse, and which one is responsible for more environmental abuse, and which one helps move more jobs to China? Those are factors that should be considered along with price.
Yeah, I hate it when TSA joins my multi-tool to a character string too.
False. A poorly-maintained scrub brush will do more to spread bacteria than the worst hand-waching practices. Far better to watch for thorough hand cleaning.
I'm looking at their site, and it's a bit weird. If I stay on my current plan, it only shows me the choices for up to 12GB like you said, but if I switch to a Simple Choice plan, then it shows me the unlimited one (and strips out pretty much everything between 2GB and Unlimited). Especially odd, since the only…
I was referring to the Reddit guys mentioned in the article. I thought we were talking in general, not about ourselves here.
They feel tricked because to them a woman is first and foremost a thing to brag with to their friends. If she used any sort of "enhancer", her bragging-value decreases and that's like a real tragedy in broland.
Easier to understand? I understand fine. I just find it pathetic. I really don't give a shit what people do to make themselves fit an ideal a little better. If I'm attracted to someone, I'm attracted to them with or without stuffings. I find it profoundly sad that to some people, attraction hinges on exactly how huge…
Do you really think this would give me pause? I wouldn't give a shit. If I took you home, I was attracted to you and since I'm a little bit complicated, being human, that means it wasn't your small waist that did the trick, it was the whole of you.
They're not being duped, it's makeup; everyone knows it's just an aesthetic modification. There's no "trick" involved.
I put on make-up only when I want to look attractive, but I don't necessarily want to attract anyone. It's more of a vanity issue, so it's for me, but also not strictly for me; or technically for others but ultimately for me. You know?
From whenever I wake on Saturday morning to whenever I have to go back to work, I wear ZERO makeup. If I have a week's vacation, it might be more than a week before I put make up on again. My husband knows what I look like, and if he has a problem with that, he can put on foundation, eye cream, powder and mascara. …
I love the whole sentiment of "it's not about you." But, does anyone here actually wear make up FOR someone else? Like I have to be honest, most of my make up wearing and clothes buying is for my husband and/or my work colleagues. I like looking nice, but honestly most weekend days I put in the effort for him. And…
It was removed in the preview version of the redesign (the new design did not have any sort of multiple destination feature.) It has been added to the redesign. If you've kept the old version this whole time, you've never been missing multiple destinations.
This may seem like a tangent, but it is related to FF of recorded shows.
but...but if I throw out those old pillows how will I ever finish building my fort?!
On behalf of Snotty Know-It-Alls Anonymous, the best piece of advice I got from a boss was switching my "buts" to "ands." Immediately diffuses a lot of defensiveness.
If you open the search charm, you'll see that all your search results are grouped into one place: no more switching between files, settings, apps, and the web.