Oops, forgot the link
Oops, forgot the link
Guy on the left is smoking hot, right? I'm not a weirdo for thinking this, even as he proceeds to reenact a small female dog eating an ice cream cone? Someone please confirm..
"Crucify" is still oen fo the mos tpwerful piece sof recorde dmusic
It's a little like putting a childs simplistic drawing of a giraffe on the wall next to something by Da Vinci.
I know, but I couldn't leave Tori out. It would rip my heart up into pieeeeeecceeeessss.
This show is going to look like goth night in a club from the 90s.
I'm glad you are here. I bet she didn't know about trolling until you so eloquently explained it.
This sounds completely true and not at all made up.
That's what I was thinking throughout this whole piece. Women seem to be constantly having to prove they're allowed to like or talk about certain things that "belong" to men. Men can be beginners; women are always fakes. They have to be twice as knowledgeable to be taken half as seriously, and that applies to a lot of…
I'm going to go ahead and admit it: my boyfriend has more hobbies and interests than I do. He mountain bikes more, chats with his internet communities more, and listens to more music. A lot of the time I feel I honestly don't have time for hobbies. I could be combing through new music on Spotify every day, but I have…
This should be the highlighted comment. What the hell, Denton? These judgmental diatribes posing as fashion commentary are just mean spirited. Can you imagine if Jezebel covered Ganguro culture like this? Everyone would freak the fuck out. Ganguro isn't my thing, but I'd NEVER stand in the way of someone expressing…
Look, this is BAD contouring. It's not good. Good contouring is awesome. I don't contour because I haven't the skills.
This article could've been a good jumping off point for discussing the racism of the small nose beauty ideal. But mocking chicks who fuck up their makeup is easier.
Yeah, god forbid a person wear make-up in a way you don't find pleasing. Also, "second-rate drag queen?" Can we not with this.
Oh no no; more depressing than her current beau, Chad Kroeger, is her ex- Derek Whibbly. During their divorce proceedings, Derek transformed from 90's pop-punk icon into a hastily assembled tower of pizza dough in a scant two years!
There's nothing wrong with having a preference. We all have preferences: for penis sizes, for breast sizes, for hair colors, etc.
I'm not angry in the least. I'm a tad frustrated, because I don't think this is complicated or ambiguous. This is an article about how X is challenging because it doesn't conform to our notion of an ideal female body. "Well X gives me erections" isn't even relevant. If this article were about the challenges of fat…
and, as a man, you felt it necessary to interject your opinion on a mostly-female blog on an article about women's body issues. and you see nothing wrong with it; when in fact YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You and every other man out there that feels it's his god-given right to interject his Opinion on How Women Should Look.
Don't doubt for one second she's not also a Google shill.