This Is A Dead Account

i didnt think i would feel sorry for her but i do. she lives so completely in her own world that she doesnt seem to get that these people ARE trying to do what is in everyone's best interest. they are right to worry that she wont show up because history shows that she wont! but it seems like she genuinely doesnt get

Hahaha-I love that people are calling in to 911 to report it. I woke up thinking a bulldozer was knocking down my apartment building, but as I was half asleep-I just thought. UGH Go AWAY bulldozer I'm SLEEPING. The newscasters had the exact same reaction as my cat who ran under the bed and hid for 20 minutes (he's

I think that is a good place to start the catalog of problems with her statement. Next item would be comparing the "irresponsibility" of having your name used as click-bait to the trauma of childhood sexual abuse by a primary caregiver.

That leapt out at me, too. Mainly in a "celebrities have google alerts on themselves? Really?" kind of way. She should just stop talking.

THAT WAS MY FIRST RESPONSE. She is being willfully ignorant about everything-SodaStream, Woody Allen... inexcusable and, ahem, that just feels irresponsible to me.

AND YET she's unaware of the backlash. Uh huh.

I'm not sure I'd call her bright really. She reminds me a lot of people with whom I attended high school. Highly privileged, access to coded and privileged phrases and language and the ability to throw in a liberal arts compare/contrast in every interview: well-spoken but unintelligent if you actually read the words.

She comes off a little out of touch to me. And not even in the "I'm on drugs and I just have no idea what the hell is going on around me" sort of way. I think she's very bright. But in this, it's almost like she's putting on an air of aloofness that doesn't quite work, maybe? It's like she thinks she's above all of

This is the gif I was too lazy to continue searching for. You did good.

That dog has crazy eyes.

The point is, we don't get to decide what other cultures should do, seeing as how we aren't part of them.

Yup. This right here. I'm sorry, but I really can't stand when "cultural relativism" becomes a way to silence voices trying to point out misogyny, racism, classism, etc in other cultures. Some things are just wrong. And when people say "well what about the US? Like we're perfect??" What kind of disconnect must one

Are you really trying to say that cultures of oppression that deprive women of basic human rights aren't a ridiculous thing to fight to preserve when the cost is the health and safety of women?

You know what? If having access to a toilet, sanitary napkins, and not having to sleep outside and fear rape or snakebites is "Western Propaganda," bring it on. This is a human rights issue for millions of women, who are being denied an education and a future over a biological process they have no say in. Culture

God, why not use this argument for the South? As a Northerner, who am I to criticize the racist/sexist traditions of the South?

Just because something is a tradition doesn't mean it should be continued. Criticizing traditions that are inherently harmful to society shouldn't be a controversial issue. People are still people and being forced to live outside in a tiny grass hut for a week in isolation every month because you were unlucky enough

I have to disagree with you. Cultural relativism is a fallacy- when there is a situation of this magnitude that has a negative impact on most women in a given culture, why do you argue for the continuation of this tradition, just because it belongs to another part of the world? Not all traditions are good or should be

Ti-Grace Atkinson terms this phenomenon as the "primordial rape", but you can look at most myths and folklore of earlier civilizations and see that women got the short end of the stick. Probably because the whole birthing thing being terrifying, also the bleeding? Who knows.

Didn't American college students going off to save The Other die when philosophical deconstruction arose?

A. Circumcision did not start as a societal attempt to diminish sexual pleasure! Circumcision started- as far as people can tell- as a hygienic measure (not much soap & water in the desert), a religious ritual/ test of bravery, and in Judaism, a prerequisite for being READY for sex. I mean, I don't think any of these