How do we know to rage against the dying of the light if we don't know what dying is?
How do we know to rage against the dying of the light if we don't know what dying is?
Thanks. It's what I do for a living and I was bored trying to figure out some programming stuff so it was really just an excuse to have fun haha. And learn something :)
As someone pointed out (Josie Grossie), though, this issue doesn't translate well to other issues. I just ran a simple cross tabulation between party ID and agreemend with abortion in all case with a control for age using similar data in regards to abortion (ANES 2012 timeseries). Republicans are red, Dems are blue.…
For all their resolutely libertarian pronouncements, they are almost indistinguishable from older Republicans in being anti-choice.
Okay, so, I'm bored and wanted to play around with the 2012 ANES. It's not the data used here but it's very very similar. I would argue it's probably better data. Regardless, this is the standard for political scientists around the world. Well, you are absolutely right. Choice does not depend on age when you…
If they're true libertarians, they should be against government intrusion on that topic as well. I can't imagine anything more intrusive than the government telling someone what they can and can't do to their own body.
Right? How about supporting a living wage or unions? Racial equality? Actual religious equality for people who don't believe Jesus was a magick soul-saving hippie? How about social safety net programs? Bueller? BUELLER?
The underwear trick is the best. I have left a trail of discarded socks 'n' undies - stained, ripped, just plain shabby - from Edinburgh to Naples. God only knows what the hotel maids think when they're emptying the bins, but it works!
At least in terms of abortion rights, the trends are not terrible but they are not encouraging either. :(
It sort of all depends on how you count it (ex: favor abortion being legal in "all" vs. "most" circumstances), but generally millennials are pretty much the same as our parents on other social issues.
Great question. But I imagine not.
I think this speaks to the danger of doing what the HRC did, which was to call marriage equality the civil rights movement of our time. Not only is it a slap in the face to people still fighting for racial equality and justice, it ignores all the very real economic, political and structural violence that is inflicted…
And we have a winner!
Chet Haze is already fucked.
Yes! Dresses and heels, so many good intentions, so little travel usage.
I always pack them thinking I might go somewhere nice. Then I do go somewhere nice, but end up wearing flats because I walk everywhere when I travel. Then when I unpack when I get home I hurl the heels back into my closet in disgust.
Packing pro-tip: Shove all your balled up socks INSIDE your shoes. I recently discovered this trick. Saves some room and your shoes don't get all misshapen.
Also, have your underwear double as a festive hat! Your bras can be worn as fancy slippers. Dresses as superhero capes.