But it's funny as hell. It's a damned vivid description.
But it's funny as hell. It's a damned vivid description.
I could have gone forever without seeing Aaron Carter's Vine. Thanks a lot, PAL!
Agreed, and his photography style sucks. Lets put you against a white backdrop and over do it with the flash.
Really!? You don't know who Ione Skye is?!?
Ahh, yes. My ex-boyfriend was thin and looked great in clothes. But naked, he sort of resembled a droopy stick figure. His butt was bizarrely flat without any muscle or fat in it, so touching it was like grabbing at pudding. When he ate a large meal, it gave him a potbelly until it was properly digested so you could…
Here's the deal... AA has these things called the 12 Traditions; they're alongside the 12 Steps. The 12 traditions are the guidelines for how AA as a whole is run; it took a while for the founding members of AA to start setting some guidelines & principles about how meetings can remain a safe place for anyone to get…
I just commented to ask the question, "why? ", and all I can come up with is the answer you gave. Power.
I'd sympathize more for the other people who are walking into AA at the same time, who want nothing to do with the situation and are not way involved but are dragged into it because the meeting is also being attended by a celebrity. I think Lindsey says something about that when she explains why she won't go to the…
I'm having a hard time following this. So Skye found out her coach was a lesbian and wrote about it in a note- then the coach acted punitively by reporting Skye, as a lesbian? Do I have enough lesbians, too few, or too many...?
I wish I invented it. I stole it from Veep.
He even looks like the prev/molester stereotype. Everytime I see a picture of him, it seems he trying to feel me up telepathically.
It's not just men, my current gf at one time was a dancer and had just as many if not more women pulling that shit so as to feel superior to someone they believed to be beneath them socially.
You are absolutely right. I've done a lot of stuff in the sex industry and there are guys like that every where you go. They want to legitimize their "relationship" with you by any means.
^I am SO good at that!
If you wouldn't have an <adjective> bris, you shouldn't have an <adjective> wedding.
It really says something about the left (including the NYT) that I'm so annoyed by my own side of the aisle's procrasturbation about her possible candidacy, to the point that I hope she makes a big fat "I'M RETIRING FROM PUBLIC OFFICE PERMANENTLY FOREVER THE END PERIOD GET OVER IT" announcement, just to force some…