This Is A Dead Account


I don't watch it either. I watched a few episodes of the first season.

Normally I would say no, but with the heightened state of tensions escalating in the battle between our Cat Overlords and Team Dog, there is no room for neutrality. You are either with us or against us. You can't be Switzerland.


This video is tedious as fuck but I'd lie on that guy's chest too.

No way in hell is this the truth.

Agreed, Kentucky is the home of bourbon, not whiskey.

I realize that sounds snobbish. I do not care.

My boyfriend and I did have plans to watch House of Cards. We hadn't made food plans yet, but Thai food does sound really good now that the internet suggested it to me...

Kentucky, which is the home of whiskey,


I'm glad they're breaking down stereotypes. I think this is really cool! I hope Mr. Beans and I are still attracted to each other when we get to that age (TMI?).

The fuck? So you're going to come in and insult me because you read my comment wrong? I was relating an experience I had, personally, with PETA. They are an organization I don't support. End of comment. Please take your insults and crusade elsewhere.

I have no problem with vegans, vegetarians, or any other dietary choice people wish to make. I have a big fucking ugly problem with PETA, because they're doing this wrong. There's a way to fight to end evil farming practices- purposely traumatizing elementary school kids and then saying OOPS OUR BAD is not it. Nor

Riiiiiiight. Because PETA's nasty tactics are representative of all vegans and vegetarians? And people who are offended by PETA's nasty tactics are vegan haters? Ok then.

I'm sorry, where in my comment did I start a discussion on the ethics of eating meat? Nowhere. Now, either agree with me that PETA is messed up and be done with it, or go argue with someone else.

Oh boo hoo, the privileged are tired of hearing marginalized groups complain about their oppression. Won't someone PLEASE think about the non-transgendered people?

I've used this before, but it bears repeating.
Peeta on PETA:

It won't be. Allen is a shrewd politican. He has very successfully cast Mia Farrow as the crazy villain all these years, and himself as a victim.

I'm fairly convinced PETA is secretly funded by meat lobbyists a-la Phillip Morris/anti-smoking ads because there's no way an organization with a fairly sympathetic cause can consistently be SO BAD and/or abraisive when it comes to outreach. How can you consistently make people hate you when your only objective is to