This Is A Dead Account

I call first dibs on the Irish peasant babies!

i just had to google "who the hell is tori from saved by the bell" and i am old and sad.

For online dating, it's also worthwhile looking for trends (common phrases etc) on creepypm or ladies of okcupid, then googling the common phrases. You'll often see the theory behind the phrase described by a reddit reader....

Also the 'yesmeansyesblog.wordpress' has some useful articles. Particularly the one that states that men actually understand when subtlety and non-verbal cues mean 'no', and just go ahead anyway.

That is fucking hilarious. I love you.

Well now I HAVE to see it just because the reviews are so bad. I like shit movies for some reason. I mean, liked the Master of Disguise *shuddup

he's not. unfortunately. he is close friends with Uzo (who plays crazy eyes) and he was her date to the wrap party. it was a roller-skating party, hence the roller skating joke.

Yup. Any excuse to stare at Zac Efron for two hours is good enough for me. No shame.

Well, she's not wrong.

Well, hmmm.

As a related aside:

LITTLE BAGS, YOU SAY? You, my friend, are a WIZARD.

YES! All the purses! Huzzah!

Hear Hear.

How do you deal with swapping them out? I find that not having my stuff in the right place cancels out any joy I feel over changing my look. PLEASE TELL.

Same. Although, I have more of a thing for messenger bags and rucksacks.

Sorry I'm not sorry for breaking out this gif, but yeah, for me...definitely shoes. Particularly boots or flats.

Totally agree! Read "The Game" a few years back and, hilariously, went out on a first date while reading it, where the guy negged me and tried to use a mind game from the book. I asked if he'd read it and then the date was essentially over. But really, it's all kinds of creepy, and that happening as I read the book

"And if we're going to talk about this, do we really have to put transition on the same sleazy tabloid level as cheating celebrity spouses and who has developed a drug habit?"