This Is A Dead Account

Mandatory showers for all 6th graders. I don't care that you don't think you smell. MANDATORY.

Vin Diesel's Facebook page is amazing. He posts Photoshopped pictures of himself with inspirational quotes. Like what teen girls do with Marilyn Monroe and "If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best," but of himself. He also writes...meaningful life reflections...with thoughtful

Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's MDMA.

That no one is talking more about the whole wolf thing on this article is deeply upsetting to me.

Yeah, curious as to how racists who aren't conscious about their reputations online are so grade-conscious..

Honestly. I'm not sure I ever went to class when it was raining.

I mean, I understand there's an appeal to an OFFICIAL snow day (I'm having one right now :D!), but damn.

Yeah, I'm guessing the majority of these kids aren't gonna show up for class anyways.

So these are college students, right? As in adult college students who can choose to either brave the cold and get to class or skip and stay warm and cozy in bed. Not high school kids or kindergarteners? Because that's a lot of whining. That's the fun of college: you could choose whether or not you went to class.

That probably wouldn't be received well and would come off as a bit patronizing. Who wants an award that they didn't win? Lamar knows he technically don't have the required votes to win, so why would he want it? Perhaps it would be a nice gesture on Macklemore's part, but it's also a pretty loaded gesture in terms of

So what can be done?

Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?

It's happening. You are getting old. You don't get it anymore. You don't know it, but you have become the bearer of old ideas. And I know I'll be there eventually too. I am way more terrified of that not-getting-it than I am of crow's feet and saggy neck-skin.

Straight White People Give Each Other Awards for Doing Black Music About Gay Rights Better Than You Convention

You're still talking about her. She's the eternal provocateur.

I literally felt sick @ "call out culture."
Is that what you guys call yourselves?

It was just a light jab from this Latino man BUT, up to recently, Dodai Stewart was the only regular poster here. (I love her btw) Articles by Phoenix Tso, Isha Aran, or Hillary Crosley where non existent until a couple of months ago, and it was the overall feeling of whiteness on this site (among other other websites

C'mon guys. I mean, really.

Oh good grief. You lot were wrong and she was right. Grow up.

Sometimes two entities can love each other but just work better separately.