This Is A Dead Account

I was just going to say the same thing. I like Pink fine, but really singing can just be about singing and not a circus act.

He was released into the custody of his parents

Not sure if it's the hangover talking, but I would be fine with The Mummy and some Thai food right about now, but the Thai place doesn't open until 5, so I might just lay here in my drunken filth and eyeliner until the cold bony hand of death comes for me. RIPdarcy.

CJ and Danny, forever.

My son is named Daniel, after Daniel Jackson (the Michael Shanks version, though!).

They really look alike, don't they?

Oh ... him!

Her knee injury brought KFed into all of our lives. I am not sure how I feel about that.

I'm just going to go ahead and make up that she's singing about j. biel, i hope she smells brit's perfume too. brit brit and jt forever, lol

I find this strangely beautiful. Good job, Britney and Sia. Good job.

It's really comforting to know I'm not the only one who had a crush on Dr. Daniel Jackson.

I'm glad he wrote this article. This is a problem that needs to be discussed. No, I don't agree with every single point made in it. Nonetheless, it's still a well-written article. Most of his points are spot-on.

Sweden has marines? What the hell do they do? Sit around an negotiate peaceful settlements, with their beautiful blonde hair, gorgeous smiles, and genial personalities? Do they even carry weapons, or do they disarm you by strumming an acoustic guitar?

Thank you for posting this article. Your article is very educational and so spot-on. I cannot thank you enough for posting this!

Here, here. It's always great to see a thoughtful, self-reflexive article.

Really moved by this, and had several "aha!" moments regarding interactions with my gay (cis-)male friends over the past 30 years.

Thank you so much for writing this and for being so honest and thorough. My first experience with this was in college with a professor who casually told me that he hated women. He said it like, "oh, don't take it personally, I just hate all women". Oh really?

This is misogynistic as well. You've taken an article about the problems of women and you've tacked on, "but what about the poor menz"?
What you say is true, but this is not the place or that discussion.
Thank you for proving the bloggers point.