This Is A Dead Account

Mark, this investigative journalism thing you're doing with Dirt Bag is an exciting new direction for the feature. Maybe next week you can Twinterview someone from the Saved By The Bell cast? I recommend the girl who played Tori—something tells me she probably has time on her hands and also an opinion on whatever it

I'm bookmarking that blog, thanks for posting this response!

Solid advice!


There is nothing funnier than a rape joke, people! You are all wrong.

I just kind of put stuff in little bags anyway so I transfer all my little bags and odds and ends from one to another. I don't ever have much issue.

Hunter Parrish is going to be on OITNB?!


I'm still gonna see it.

I love the fact that you repeated your whole comment twice. The second instance really had me rolling. :)

You are a smart person.

If everyone stopped having kids then what would the wealthy folk eat?


So true. They are nothing but dependent, stupid lumps sucking at the teat of the country. We'd be better off just serving them all for supper!

Just FYI your friend the PUA troll is dismissing your comments; you should get rid of his from the first time he replied to you. There is an x button in the top righthand corner of each comment that replied to you. He's a moron.

The dismiss button is your friend. ;)

Sorry but no. There's a difference between flirting and out-and-out manipulation, and when you become familiar with the techniques it is much easier to separate the two.

You should really be writing a book about this shit, or at least some kind of counter-blog.

Word, although it bears mentioning that Strauss is actually one of the least offensive members of that community. I recommended his book (which ends with him basically giving up PUA culture) because 1. it's well-written and easy to get through and 2. it was released during the very beginning of the PUA trend so it