
Where's the cool "livestrong" text?

I'm really glad to read positive press about something other than the Canikons. Have not tried mirrorless cameras, but completely love my Pentax K-5. Great body for under $700 now. Non full-frame is just fine unless you're Richard Avedon/ Walter Iooss. Full image stability (which is, face it, key for good shootin) in

oh hello again WebOS.

Keep in mind one of the features of the Moto X: The new voice commands. Most of the reviews of the phone indicate how that feature is a) pretty decent, and b) useless if you have to unlock the phone first (such as while driving). Sooooo, aside from the cocaine-like pricing, I think this is a win.

Yahoo Mail > Gmail. I use both. No contest. And is getting strong.

Yeah, I still gots 11 months til I re-up. Worried that last year's model will catch up to me. Weren't tablets supposed to fill this niche, instead of muddy it?

Right. I love my wallet too.

Goin hardcore curmudgeon at 47 years old. I hate big phones. Fucking hate that I can feel them in my pocket. Despite the thickness, I still like my Palm Pre2. Don't need faster internets. I'm not in a hurry. Don't stream, don't watch, just need basics: Phone, Email, Chat, Text, GPS. Control my DVR, check the weather,

This is great - I'm in the process of getting all my music organized, and have a Zyxel media storage server networked at home with Windows. I don't know much about Subsonic, Supersonic or Serviio, but I'm reading now (thanks!). So far, I cannot tell what role each product serves: They seem to be competitors. Can

As an amateur photographer, I appreciate the APS-C for all it's deliciousness. I have no lust for full-frame, have easily adjusted to the focal length, and am completely satisfied with the results. And even more enthusiastic about the non-Canikon prices of the comparable equipment.

I get spam too... in my spam folder. I would expect it, after using my account at full bore for 15 years. I've run 3 businesses with it, never had an issue, never been hacked, and watched Gmail be born, grow up, be the Seattle grunge scene of email, and fall painfully, sadly to earth. Now that Google's adopting

Yahoo Mail is the best web email client there is. Gmail's cool cache is gone, MSN carries Yahoo's bowl of grapes...

I'm with you Dan.

This reminds me that: before smartphones, we saved thousands of dollars a year, and thousands of hours a year. Thus I'm opening the age old debate: Is it "progress" that we can do so much more, so much faster? Is the expectation that we'll just continue to do more, faster, and not ever have downtime? Dalai Lama -

@Duffin: Just wish language/writing skills weren't disappearing/morphing. I know I know... it's a losing cause. Not backing the OED here, just think that people should focus on their skills rather than on apps that will fix mistakes/hide errors. Why can't we just take our time and do things right? Is it that hard?

I know! Why doesn't everyone just learn to F-ing type! If you mess up? backspace it out, and FIX IT! If you have a smartphone and don't know how to use it, maybe your universe is trying to tell you something. Something that doesn't involve the word "smart." #endrant.

When watching at work, annotations are blocked. So, I had to restart at 2:39, and re-focus. It didn't help. I like the colors.

Love my Pre 2. Inductive charging every day...

right on, brutha. traded up my Pentax K-10 to the K-5, and can get mind-blowing photos at ISO 32000.

I also now follow-up with places where I've canceled an account (in my case, credit card), to ask them to REMOVE the account. I hate that some places will just leave your login available, even after you have a $0.00 balance, and closed the account to comply with their financial requirements. I don't want my ONLINE