
I just spent a few minutes this past weekend unfriending people who aren't even worth being FB friends with (and that's saying something). It took me over 10 minutes to figure out how! "Report/Block"? Crappy system...

Yeah, and why is this article titled "PC" when they really mean laptops? I hate laptops.

Keyword: future. Not now.


Tots agree.

Wasn't implicating the technology. Was implicating how I've adopted the strategy: Go with the markets that no one cares about.

Back in da day... Apple computer fanboys would brag that virus writers wouldn't bother with them, since they were such a small, niche market, and that's why they're better than PC users. Maybe this is why I still love my crappy little Palm phone. WebOS! FTW!


where are the new phones with keys? I need physical keys. #oldman

SmugMug totally rocks. I find its social services(?) just fine: Facebook friends seem to have no trouble with it, and my relatives far and wide can view, download, and order prints all day.

Dude: eBay.

Here here. I'm a Pentaxian, because I love to shoot, but don't have corporate megabucks or a thriving small photography business. And my shots look frickin' lovely, thanks. Lots of K-mount glass out there from the past 4 decades makes it a fun hobby with great rewards.

Gawd, I thought it might finally be safe to read Giz again. Can we move on from the SJ fawning? Difficult to photograph? How were his bowel movements? When did he stop reading paper newspapers, and switch to an ereader? Did he put on both socks first, or one sock, then the shoe, and repeat for the other foot?

Self-esteem issues much?

Anyone find all the emphasis on "Western World" slightly ironic, given the Sikorsky brand? I mean, I know it's an American company, but seriously: GO KIEV!

I don't understand all the hate for Yahoo. But I also don't understand all the love for Google. Let's start with the email program: Yahoo: 1. Gmail: -4.

I'm gonna take the bait here, and wished the headline had one more word at the end: "Looking."

@rashad123us: I think it's time you took a look, amigo. Make sure you check all the homebrew apps.

@rashad123us: So, size still counts, huh? What apps will you be saving your mon-... I mean, what apps will you be missing?

@mtfmuffins: "stretched across 3 OS's"? And you're complaining about a 4th? you could use 1 essentially. Then you could argue against moving from 1 to 2. Lame argument. Lovely love letter.