
I picked a helluva year to switch from Android...

I don’t understand. Good Humor dripless ice cream basically did the same thing. Decades ago.

Not quite. I have the original X, and you have to use “OK Google now”, but it’s got all the other features mentioned. For the record, best phone ever, and if the screen hadn’t grown an inch, I’d buy 2.

My cousin and I both benefit from taking the pills, lowering each of our heart rates. We are different builds, with different activity levels, but both also received lowered life insurance rates with different carriers. I can avoid the fish taste by taking mine before bed. One other point not mentioned here: With

While I hate looking over and seeing people texting while driving, this video has so little to do with teens or texting... shitty distracted drivers are just shitty distracted drivers. They come in all ages.

God, I love Contacts+ so much that even though i can't use it for group texting, I use it for everything else to manage my Google Contacts. If they fixed the group texting, I would covet it more than any app.

See, Google has just confused me. All I need is a contact manager that focuses on the contacts I have in my Gmail Contacts. Hangouts wants me to try to contact people by person, not specifying what method. Contacts+ is so close (long press let's me choose text/phone/email), but can't handle group messaging as it

Glad I'm not the only one. I don't typically buy CDs of pop music, because I can't tell the difference sonically. Jazz & Classical and select artists: Always discs. Rip to Level 5 FLAC, play at 192kbit/s or better on Jriver Media Center. FTW!

There I go again, forgetting how much my original Moto X rocks. *kisses it again*

you did NOT seriously call it a "wet" stone, and justify it because it's wet. Dude. WHETSTONE. "Whet" means to sharpen a blade. Oy.

two words: sleepnumber bed

Hear Hear! Moto X rocks. I may skip the next generation with tons of false hope that someone will come to their senses about the "growing" problem.


Larger than the apparatus involved in the Panama Canal?

I have to say, as a Moto X user, this is exactly the kind of smart design and real usefulness I've come to expect. I'm sure I'm being far too myopic about my phone, but I really am shocked at how poorly the Moto X sold. It's unbelievably user friendly.

It's clear you're in the paper business. You know nothing about data integration.

You're dreaming. Product data is not nearly as complex and archaic as the data from the IRS and states. Amazon & eBay get to build their own sites with their own data. Everything's input new, into structured templates.

I heard that piece on the UK also, and drooled. The problem is that time just doesn't exist to implement something that incredibly beautiful and robust once a law is passed on the scale of ACA. The integration of data (much of it not digitized) for something like the Marketplace was unbelievable. IRS, SSA, (and what's

I love people who judge others by their email service. THAT'S mature... I get tons of spam too. It automatically gets put into the "SPAM" folder. How is that bad? The only thing gmail has as an advantage is tags. I don't use them, never found a need. I use folders and the robust Search capabilities. They work great.

I still do not get all the Bing hate. I think it works great, and can't think of anything that makes it less useful than Google, and the results are sometimes noticeably better. I get the sense that the Googlephiles are just averse to change. Which is fine, but I don't understand why there's negative tones whenever