
I ID as queer because a) I'm a grey-ace and b) pansexual sounded stupid to me. The beastboy IDs as queer too, because he doesn't feel comfortable IDing as straight. I mean, fair enough, he can ID how he likes, but it bugs me on his behalf that his gender and sexuality have to be lumped in together.

I once tried to kill myself with a plastic bag. After a while I realized that it was one of the new ones, with the little air-holes so kids don't suffocate. Instead of taping them up and trying again I just lost it with the laugh/crying and went to bed. I was at school the next day too, homework done, ready to go.

Very true, but the Hawkeye Initiative is all set up.

You guys! Just submit what they want. But do it with Hawkeye.

Where's the Hawkeye Initiatve when you need it....

I have really good skin. This isn't a humblebrag, I'm just really lucky and I've always had soft, smooth, even toned skin. It's about 100x better than the average "model without makeup" on skin.

I think the problem is that your argument breaks down at around this point:

For many years I was angry. I was angry that what I wanted wasn't allowed because I was a girl. I didn't get to do the cool things. I felt like I was being excluded from an elite club because I was a girl. I knew I was a girl (I'm a cis-woman). But being a girl sucked. This was before I found feminism and still talked

Ugh. Today. I am done with you.

You know what the best part of this is (I can't even hate-read the blog so this might be wrong) but her sons are going to be ripped on for this.

I've gone into shops where there is no way in hell I'd ever fit their clothing (which is fucked up since I'm average height and average weight) and been approached. They'll ask me if they can help me and if they're nice about it, I'll tell them I'm shopping for my (skinny) sister and let them get the comission. If

That was my very first thought.

I nearly had a fit when I realized who he was.

I still see him as that kid on Queer as Folk. (Who shagged the dude who is now Littlefinger on GoT...) It was the first pornographic thing I'd ever really seen and so it's fixed pretty firmly in my head.

Do you hear that sound?

I am so sorry that happened to you. Internet hugs if you would like them.

My favourite teacher at my all-girls highschool was an english teacher. I had him for classes for about six years straight and he used to give me shit about being a goth (in a fun way), he supported me when I was depressed, he encouraged me...basically he was awesome. When I graduated, he wrote me something amazing in

You think he's going to live for another three years? The only way he's getting out of that prison is feet first.

It's the maximum the court could give him (if I'm remembering correctly) and, I guess the thing to remember is that Ram Singh "hanged himself" in prison. (It was probably murder.)