
I have a very strong stomach. I watch a lot of crime drama, and medical drama so I’m pretty blunted to gross biology. I nearly threw up watching the Krokodil docs. The way the body is destroyed...Holy shit. And the hopelessness. That was what was really sad. One dude was like, “Yeah, I owe money to the mob I can’t

You know, I hate how the only way to get through to these chucklefucks is to play on homophobia, but damn...It’s not that I want them to be afraid of gay people, I just want them to know what it’s like when someone bigger than you threatens sexual acts that you’re not into. (Straight dudes, feel free to volunteer to

Talk shit, get shit. I’m so glad these entitled little fucknuggets actually had to have consequences.

This is Comopolitan levels of bullshit sex advice.

I am very sorry for the child that he was that turned him into this adult. Happily, most abused children are not Trumps, so they go on to be perfectly ordinary, not terrible people. But Jesus, I pity this poor fuck almost as much as I think he’s The Worst Jr

I have now reached the point where I assume if you are a man in power that you are a pervert, a harasser, and a gross jerk. Samples suggest I am not likely to be disappointed in my assessment.

Uuuuuuuugh. I’m several versions behind on RimWorld and now I’m leery about updating because, honestly, fuck that. As a bisexual woman I’m a)infuriated on behalf of bisexual men (of which there are plenty thank you very much) and b) just irritated about the “all women are bi” comment in general. Look bro, as a

As someone who has an extremely fluid accent - the accent isn’t what bothers me. What’s weird is that she’s speaking as though English isn’t her native language - the pauses, the syntax, the grammar. It’s all how someone might speak if English wasn’t their first language.

Damnit, I had my money on Trump being the one to call her a cunt.

I saw a wee child dressed as a dinosaur with a sack of candy bigger than it was (awwww!) and then had a horrible moment where I thought a guy had a great halloween mask on and then realized he was just really ugly and I was ashamed. Thank fuck I didn’t say anything aloud!

My friend was turning 21. Me, her, and a couple of others got absolutely ratassed even though we had class the next day. Everyone else puked. I did not. I regretted this later.

Well, England’s gotta do something useful after Brexit. So I don’t see why not...

I’m also shocked he hasn’t been caught calling Hillary a cunt yet. Like, those are the two videos I’ve been waiting very patiently for. Come on lamestream media (/s) get your boots on and let’s have those tapes.

I went to Uni in Chicago and my freshman year there was a trio of dudes around Wrigley Field who were attacking and raping women - actual stranger in the bushes rape!- and they’d caught two out of three, but then there was another call for an ambulance, and the cops thought, “Oh shit, not again,” but when they got

What did space ever do to you! We need to keep it nice and clean for when we inevitably decamp there after fucking up this planet.

I was thinking more of the guy on the rice than poor dead Uncle “with great power” Ben, but my god now I want someone to ask Trump about Canada’s Weapon X program.

Government so small it can lift our skirts and get a peek in there, I guess.

Remember when Gawker raised money for the Rob Ford crack tape? Why aren’t we raising money to get someone to leak a compilation of Trump’s worst moments from the Apprentice? Isn’t the penalty for someone doing that $5mil? Let’s get on that, maybe real newspapers could chip in, you know? Actually do some reporting.

I’m honestly shocked he didn’t just split the difference and start calling him Uncle Ben.

Pence is the one who wants to repeal Roe v Wade and overturn the marriage act. He’s a hardcore right wing evangelical and he scares the shit out of me far more than Trump does.