
I have better muscle control than that! Things washing in...blech. Do not want. I love all the lists of things vaginas do. Like bleed once a month. Get yeast infections. accomadate a double-ended dildo perfect for pegging your gentleman friend. You know, all that good stuff. Also, so many people forget what else

I smell a spec script!

Or the skin bleaching products being hawked in East Asia...Unilever owns some appalling shit and it really casts an ugly shadow over Dove.

I've always used, "Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one," which can stand for dick, cunt, or asshole depending on the situation. Phrasing it as "just because you have a vagina" is flat out idiotic and nonsensical.

All the internets for you.

I loved Labyrinth as a kid. I think I saw it for the first time when I was home sick with a fever (I know, right) and it was fantastic. The helping hands didn't scare me. What scared me were the creatures who could take their limbs off. I dreamt/feaver hallucinated that they were after my head. Not awesome.

You've been to the no_poo livejournal? They have a lot of good advice for all hair types. I just talked a friend of mine into starting it, and she has a totally different regime from me now because her needs were pretty much the opposite of mine. Ugh, I've become one of those people who preaches about it. But it's

Personally I'm sick to death of the cult of hairdressers. I've noticed it in Toronto, Chicago and LA and it's this attitude that cutting hair makes you some sort of rockstar and with that comes all the attitude. Us human beings have all sorts of hair and we're paying them to cut it the way we ask; maybe they could

On behalf of the people you will help, and for all the people who won't have an opportunity to talk to someone like you but should be able to, and for my own self, thank you.

Find someone who can translate for you; either in person or via letter. Her ask price is $70 a session, I'm pretty sure you can raise it at your discretion for exemplary work and she'll accept so longas you can communicate to her you feel it's her due.

You're paying her, what? a little less than 8 bucks an hour. Something like that unless my math is worse than usual. The fact that minium wage is $7.25 is a crime. Here in the Great White North min. wage is between CAD$9.40 and $11.00 depending on what provence you're in. If you want to feel better about her wage,

My friend and I like to do that via text when we're bored. "Not to be racist but these jeans shrank in the wash and I think they're too small now..." "Not to be racist but damn I'm hungry." I had no idea it was a comedy bit. That's awesome.

You think the straight ladyfolk and gay menfolk don't find male athletes hot? It's okay to find them attractive, they are, but first and formost they're really talented athletes.

It helps with preventing drug use too. I mean, I never had anyone sit me down, but my desire to get a good education, go to university, realize my career dreams...

Nobody panic, I've got you all covered. This here:

I'm on, like, 200mg daily of the stuff and they can't up it any more. Shit guys, I have flat effect and no sex drive, this must not be working right. Maybe I should switch to a MAOI, what're the rape stats on those bad boys?

Yeah, they did the same thing to me actually (I moved back and forth a lot) and because of the Canadian/Uk difference I did kindergarten twice despite being able to read and do basic maths. o_O

Hahahaha, wow. Obviously these kids have never had to go through the delightful "all exams all the time" English system of GCSEs and A levels. I was pulling 12 classes worth of homework and national exams when I was fifteen. I probably averaged 6000 words (2000 words x 3 essays in 4.5 hours total) a week in one

And because they don't police their own it makes them complicit, which makes them - all together now - bad cops. And not such wonderful human beings either.

THIS. I'm so sick of the MRA and Stormfront agreeing on anything and combining forces to make their already loud voices louder. I'd love to see them save us all some of their blah blah blah and go after each other for a bit.