
Enthusiasts: Please don’t get rid of the Fiesta.

He already daily drives a 335, his kids are out of the house, and he has $120k for a weekend car; investment advice is the last thing he wants from a comments section.

Plan C: he has 8 figures for retirement already, so comfortable is already taken care of. Time to have fun.

Sir this is a Wendy’s. 

A Porsche 911 is always the right answer, and if you want a bit more practicality and lower running costs, a nicely-equipped Taycan would fit the bill. We’ve had both over the years and they are both great grand tourers. We just did a 1,200 mile trip in the Taycan with our golden retriever and plenty of stuff, with

Marketing and branding. There are a lot of V8 purists out there. 

VW should bring back the Bug as a RWD short range commuter car. They could price it inexpensively due to using less batteries and could call it the “Lightning Bug”

I had my left foot amputated after a run in with a copperhead in 2017.

I’m going to go for a massive curveball and a budget buster... Sort of.

Why are people ok with white collar people being laid off verse blue collar? They both have families to feed. White collar doesn’t  necessarily mean they make more 

“I hated the last gen CTR, it was too gaudy and over the top”

How is disclosing additional costs to the consumer, going to cost the dealer network more “paper-pushing” fees. This has gotta be the weakest ass argument I’ve heard justifying their existence to begin with. 

From the article: “Either calculation assumes a sales professional paid $21.84 an hour spending 2 minutes preparing and delivering each disclosure”

What would cost them though? How is being factual in ads and such actually more expensive than being deceitful? Bottom line, the “cost” is truly just a loss of income from not being able to cheat the public.

If they pass that cost on to consumers and we assume America averages 17 million new car sales per year, that comes to an average $8 per new car sold over the next 10 years.

A bunch of USED CAR DEALERS don’t like rules that stop them from being shady? Who would have ever guessed!

That’s surprising to me. I had a Focus ST (I know it’s a different car) for several years without any issues beyond normal wear and tear. Now I drive a Focus RS (again, I know it’s a different vehicle) and it’s the same thing, just your average wear and tear stuff.

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.

This is why I absolutely refuse to ride on the street at all any more and ride exclusively on bike paths. I firmly believe that a good 15-20% of the population has gone completely unhinged insane.