
A 74,000 mi. early 2000s Ford Taurus is still an early 2000s Ford Taurus. There’s no way a reasonable person pays that much for this little. No Dice buddy.

Who wore it better?

I don’t watch any of the lower Formula series so I can’t really comment on those, but I’d argue at least four F1 drivers owe not having been seriously injured or killed to the halo:

First, it’s a remarkable coincidence that with all the other traffic around that corner it just happened to be Nissany that Hauger launched into.

It’s remarkable how they manage to be the biggest loser in a race they won.

Congrats for Carlos on the win. It’s funny how pretty much everyone celebrates a Ferrari win regardless of who you normally root for.

Frightening crash for Zhou, though it shows that the Halo does its job and is a welcome addition to the sport. That said, the FIA needs to look into Alfa’s roll “hoop” (in quotes because they’re running a unique, vertical column design). That failed almost immediately when Zhou flipped.

The reason people ditch cars that have life left in them, is that it’s easier to make a $500/mo. car payment, for a car that probably has a warranty and likely less to go wrong mechanically, than come up with that $3,500 and be down a vehicle for the duration of the repair.

Modern ICE vehicles are rolling computers as well.

Everything but the drive train is same on an EV, and while the drive train is significantly different it is also much simpler. Maintaining evs tends to be a lot easier. Yes when batteries start going bad that is a more complex repair, but people are already doing it. I would argue it is no more complex than having an

Agree. As I was reading I was thinking Fit. I’m not objective though...

What the fuck? Seriously? It’s been 11 years since they stopped making them?

I have said this multiple times on Jalopnik in the past. I hate vehicles that have a design language that screams “I don’t know what I want to be!!”.

Cool, thank you for the link! I didnt see this. Good stuff. 

does the back fold flat for sleeping purposes?

It’s an interesting question, but I’m guessing most people driving a 100k per ev are probably garage parking it.  

I’m a very early preorder holding for an R1S and I have been waiting patently for 4 years now...

from a quick search, looks like it gets about 2.3mi/kwh or .43kwh/mi...

When does Toyota start licensing the design and install a 4RunnEr (the E must be blue) badge onto it?